And I'm going to have a big old Rudolph the Red Nose Reindeer nose in all the bat mitzvah pictures, because I haven't been able to breath for three days and I might leave one of my lungs up on the bima today but, y'know, I'm told I have two. Did I mention I have a cold? But aside from that...
Here's my bat mitzvah gal killing time before the service by playing beauty shop with my nephew's hair. She straightened it with one of those iron things she knows how to use and I don't, put him in bows and a bun, and used umpteen hair products.

Did I mention that I have the perfect bat mitzvah party activity? In addition to airbrush tattoos, we're going to give mohawks. KIDDING!!!! But only because the other parents would hate me for life. And my daughter would have to change schools. And synagogues. Aside from that though, I think it would be totally fun.
Well, after Max adorned every free spot on his body with the lovely tattoos, I thought to myself "gee, a mohawk would have been easier and probably more attractive". Still love the idea, I think you should have done it! even better, you could have had a barber there for the party and let the kids dictate what to do to their own hair, might have been very interesting indeed! Great party, really fun by the way!
sounds like a total blast Jill! Keep on keeping on ;D
Why stop at airbrushed tats? What better way to welcome this epic event then by hiring a professional nipple piercer?
I never got the hang of those iron things either. Probably because I get really bored after straightening two strands of hair.
Sorry Beth! I'm glad you had a good time despite your son being covered head to toe in black ink!
Thanks Roger - I actually DID manage to have fun at the party somehow. Even got myself two airbrush tattoos!
Ingrid - Good idea! I'll have to keep that in mind for my son's party. :-)
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