In case you're wondering, this sign doesn't make any more sense in Spanish than it does in English:

The really confusing thing is, there's no similar sign in the women's room.
How DO you thrive for excellence? And is there also a club for people who want to learn how to thrive for it?

A coworker almost forwarded me my own blog. She thought I would like it because "Hey look! Someone else likes that Vampire Weekend stuff!" She was about to send it along to me when she got to the wedding photos and figured out it was mine. I guess ole' Walt was right after all - it is a small world.
Speaking of Vampire Weekend, Older Gal was turned away by security. She wasn't allowed to bring her mechanical pencil into the concert. On the other hand, I waltzed in with this, as usual:

I can't even say how many times I've accidentally gone through airport security with it in my purse.
My classes start back up again in about an hour. Time flies when you're having fun. Or when you're ruminating. Actually, it seems to fly no matter what. Goodbye thirty seven seconds of free time I had per week! I'll miss you!
I'm laughing that your coworker found your blog without knowing it was yours. Yes, a small world indeed.
Well did you like yourself LOL. How funny is that.
Humm maybe put the toilet paper back on the roll, times are tough you know.
lolololol about the mechanical pencil vs. the weapon of multiple uses.
and you coworker almost forwarding you your own blog...hahahahaha
--Debbie G.
Lara - Yeah, I thought it was!
Tracy - I think, yeah, this is exactly the type of blog I would like!
Debbie - :-) :-) :-)
LOL! I needed a good laugh today, and you provided it!:-D Thanks for sharing!
Pam - You're welcome and thank you!
WHOO HOO I made the blog! Btw, my daughter is a member of the club that thrives for excellence. I am NOT - I just drive her there.
Julie - Even though thriving for excellence remains a mystery to me, it sounds like something that should be encouraged rather than discouraged. However, I told my boy absolutely no how, no way until after his bar mitzvah. But after that, maybe M. can show him how, so he can join the club too! Come to think of it, maybe it wouldn't hurt me to learn to thrive either...
Maybe the perthon that wrote thrive hath a lithp. :)
Ah! Marlene, you beat me to it!!!!!!!
So where DID you get to put your toilet paper???????? And what were you doing in the men's toilets...except that it's usually the place where a gal can get a pee in a hurry!!!!!!!!
Marlene - Maybe tho!
Arizaphale - I didn't USE the men's room! I just went in to take the picture after The-Guy told me he had seen an interesting sign!
Sheesh, do you REALLY carry that thing in your purse??? lol
Janet - It's very small and very handy. One time a child got trapped in the bus restroom on a religious school retreat I went on and I used it to get her out!
I had the best pocket knife ever....I loved it....I used it all the time...and then I lost it.
On our way to New Orleans a couple weeks ago, the airport security lady asks me "is this bag yours ma'am?"
I smiled and said yes...and she held up my pocket knife.
Hubby hadn't gone through security I yelled, quite loudly "honey, they found it!!!!!"
I was excited they'd found my missing pocket knife (which somehow ended up in my camera bag)....but airport security didn't seem to be as excited as I was. :-)
That's funny Nej!!! Did you get to keep it somehow, or did you have to give it up to security?
Security wasn't that pleased with me last Thanksgiving when, upon catching a glimpse a former coworker holding her new baby, I ducked under the security lines. My guy and my step gal were shouting for me to come back. I darted off, calling back to them, "I'm just going to see the baby!" Apparently that isn't reason enough to break through security lines these days.
Since Mot wasn't through security yet...they handed it to him and he ran up to the gift shop to mail it home. They didn't have envelopes, so he sent it home in a greeting card. The most annoying, obnoxious one he could find! :-)
Seeing a baby should totally be an allowable excuse!!! :-)
So the pocket knife was saved! Who'd'a thunk?!?! :-) :-) :-)
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