I think first and foremost, you give everyone the wrong time and then print up correction postcards and forget to mail them. Isn't that the way you do it?And that is exactly, exactly what I did!!!! So I'm good there.
But I'm not the only one working hard on this event. My boy has been studying practically since he was born. The-Guy is acting as his personal postman. Older Gal is tempering our bad moods with baked goods.
And of course my Sweet Pea is doing her darndest to free up beds for relatives. She does this by making herself at home (as usual) in the ER. (A door closed on her foot, but don't worry, she's fine):

Hope everyone has had a nice week! Thank you for the good thoughts for my friend - it will still be a long road, but so far so good!!
Wow lady you are going to need a vacation when you are done.
Glad to hear your daughter is so thoughtful to make room for guests, but I would take sleeping on the floor over a hospital bed :)
Cute pictures of your cat.
Luckily I GET a two week vacation after all this! Except, they already sent me work for my next class, so I hope I don't start that! Isn't it funny that your comment posted BEFORE my post?!?! It's because I messed up my post. I tried and tried to fix it, but then I was wasting too much time and I had to get back to my homework. And also, I have to write a speech for my boy too. But, plenty of time for all that!
Aren't you Jews supposed to be able to create miracles in 8 days?
Busy is your middle name. I can only imagine what all goes into a bar mitzvah (actually, no I can't - but still) - loads of planning and preparing.
And even the cat is helping - that is some serious floral drinking. hehe!
Poor Cassie! Is she okay now?
And Johnny gave up his bed too. :)
I love reading your blog posts. You need a newspaper column...seriously. You are like Dave Barry.
Finally that cat is good for something if you ever needed to get rid of roses...
Cid - Are we? I hope so!!!!! I'll let you know, like...8 days from now. ;-)
Nicki - It's very similar to planning a wedding. You have all the same opportunities to accidentally hurt relatives feelings and over-buy on the food by kajillions of pounds. The main difference as far as planning goes is that the event lasts for three days instead of one (in this case - more often it's two).
Debbie - She's good! She has a thing to wear on her foot, instead of the boot like she had last time. Pretty soon she can open up a store on craiglist or ebay or something to sell that kind of stuff.
And what about Johnny freeing up beds?!?!? I thought it was John who hurt his toe? Did something happen to Johnny too?
OH! SJ! You visited while I was trying to get my comment to work! YES!!! It's extremely important to get a cat to pick up after the roses!!!!! Left to their own devices, those things just commit suicide right into the toilet bowl!
No, Johnny just gave up his bed for my parents while they are here. He's fine. :)
That cat is hysterical, and I thought my dog was weird. Ha.
Glad her foot is ok (ER nurse here-rest, ice, elevate!)
LOL, love the cat pics!!
Did you put catnip in the flowers?
Oh Debbie that's good! You guys definitely don't need any more beds vacated in favor of hospital beds!!!!!!!!
Janett - Yeah, he's a mess.
Thanks Beth! Maybe she'd do it more if she heard it from you!!!!
Thank you Staci!
Roger - Believe it or not, I've never given him cat nip. He's just all kinds of crazy on his own.
well, at im glad that the er trip wasnt anything too serious... when i first saw the pic i got scared.
p.s. i have like 3 dirty jokes swirling in my head over the cat pictures, but i dont want to demean myself by speaking them..
Awww beautiful kitty! love he/she licking the flowers! :) Sounds like you're busy, I hope it work out!! :)
there must be some contest to enter the cat licking flowers photo in, it really looks like one of those prize winning pictures!
I love how the cat pictures are almost time-lapsy and you see the progression!
Slyde - I'm half glad you redeemed yourself and half curious. I'm not naturally good at thinking up the dirty jokes, so I can't even imagine!
Thanks Beth! I'll have to be on the lookout for cats-eating-flowers photo contests. Maybe there is one! Or at least one for pets.
Sara - I lasted, I made it!
Sarah & Curly Glamor Girle - I wish I could have gotten a picture of him actually chomping on them, because he really really ATE them!
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