Maybe the depths of despair would be more up your alley? Speaking of which, I saw this on my way to bring the kids to school:

Does Satan control board games? What about those big inflatable play things that kids bounce around in?But maybe Satan SHOULD control those big, inflatable play things that kids get into a bounce around. SOMEBODY has to make sure that the big kids don't all go in at the same time and trample the little kids.
I'm actually kind of surprised there wasn't a stampede to attend that church such that I couldn't even get a photo...
At any rate, in case I don't get to post again before New Years (especially if I get smote and all from making fun of a church sign) have a great Christmas and New Years too! Most importantly, try not to let Satan control all your fun!
Church signs can be very amusing, I'll never forget the time my daughter called from her friend's house to tell me about a church sign they had passed. "Get stoned here today". We have yet to figure that one out.
I like the palm tree holiday decorations too.
Not to worry, I once mocked a church sign on my blog and lived to tell the tale ;) The Xmas palm tree is pretty funny!
Loved your post! The sign . . . not so much . . . the palm tree . . . hysterical!
Love the decor on the palm tree :)
Wow All the fun, he controls all of it....well I guess he is living in my house, lol.
Love the signs you find, LOL
I KNEW we were all going to pay for all that fun some day...
I still like the sign at the top of the hill in Lebanon: "Are you on the right road?"
Perhaps, rabbit, perhaps...
Well if Satan controls all fun, he certainly has a firm grip on me. My grandmother already prays for my soul so I figure that cancels it out. ;)
Hmmm... Yup, I won't be attending that particular church (I'm partial to fun). I stay with my church where good clean fun is allowed :)
That is one scary church sign! LOL!
LOVE that palm tree!! Gotta make do with what you have. That is one scary, and sad, sign---must be a grim congregation.
But Nicki! That makes PERFECT sense because...because... Wait. You're right. It doesn't make any sense. None at all. It has to have something to do with the rock & redeemer though, don't you think? :-)
Beth - Thank goodness! Actually, I think the "Success in Life Center" is actually a church. And if it is, then I've made fun of a church sign too.
Thanks Maria!
Tracy - They forgot to put that on the sign!!!!!!!!!!!! "Satan controls all fun. And he spends quite a bit of time at Tracy's house."
Eric - Oh it doesn't say anything about having to PAY! Right? Or does Satan maybe charge by the hour?
Janett - Go grandma! I'm sure she's giving Satan a run for his money. :-)
Yolanda - Me too! I'm in favor of fun!
Reds - Ain't it though?
Thanks Pat! And yeah, I don't think I'll attend on Sunday.
(If Satan controls all fun, who controls root canals?)I love this post and all the comments with it! So, apparently Satan is in league with the Grinch after all!
How do you find this stuff????? that is HILARIOUS!!!!! Perhaps they're hoping to entice people in for a 'discussion' on the subject! As for 'Get Stoned Here Today'...I think they can be done for false advertising...
At least I don't have to worry about Satan. I got the whole 'No Fun' thing going on here. Just hard work :-D
Thanks for the theme song Johnny Rotten.....(and I would have thought HE was controlled by Satan. Sheesh. You can't win)
Couple of years ago I was in Georgia, saw a similiar sign with catchy viralness.
I turned off caller ID and called their number. When they answered, I held the phone in front of me and singsonged "My God is better than yourrrr god!" until I saw it disconnected.
Signs like that are as; if not more; offensive as regular billboards many city councils have ordinances about.
Arizaphale - You know, I found that one just by taking a different route to school. It's funny because when we get too buys, I get in a rut! Sorry for the No Fun, but at least you're Satan free! (Oh my gosh - I hate to think what my google searches look like right now!
John - There's an Austin Lounge Lizards song you might like. Try seeing if you can find their song "Jesus loves me (but he can't stand you)." :-)
Thanks Angela!!!! And funny on the root canals!!!!! I'm not sure who controls the fun of root canals. I'll have to keep an eye out for a sign on that one, or ask my dentist!!!!!
That's a typo for Santa. Santa controls all the fun and the toy and gift-wrapping industries too. And he calls everyone a "Ho". Or maybe Santa and Satan are the same guy.
Anyway whoever controls fun I hope you have lots of it!
SJ - OH! That makes more sense! And I hope you have uncontrollable fun too! Or something...
:-) :-) :-)
Oh really? excellent, that means I can blame Satan for the fun I had eating mazipan which had been shaped into fruit this morning.
Of course, Santa/Satan...it all makes sense now :-D! Thanks SJ!!!
oh great! now im afraid to have fun!
thanks alot!
DJ - Satan should definitely be blamed for Marzipan. Oh wait...people like that stuff?!?! :-) :-)
Arizaphale - Makes sense now, right?
Slyde - As well you should be! ;-)
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