When I get tired of sitting around and looking cute at home, I have to sit around and look cute somewhere else. Anderson Fair is always a nice change, especially if Michael Fracasso is playing.

If you're into one-guy-with-one-guitar-singing-thoughtful-poetic-stuff, you SO should have been there. I know you weren't, because only about ten people were there, and you weren't one of them (unless you happen to be my cousin Bernard). But don't worry! He'll be back in February!
I sat around and looked cute at a Houston Texans game. We even won, which, if you're a Houston sports fan you know is totally and completely unexpected (no matter who we're playing).

Getting there required sitting around and looking cute on the light rail.

There was some walking involved too, actually.
The-Guy and I saw a horse in the center of downtown Houston, right near the tracks:

Did you see him? He's at the far edge on the right:

When I get tired altogether of sitting around and looking cute, sometimes I have to bake something. This is full of broccoli:

It's not usually that phallic looking, but I made this one for a party. I thought skinny would be better for a party bread.
That was my weekend! Next weekend my classes start back up, so I'll be attempting to write papers while looking cute. It's a tough job, but someone has to do it.