My understanding is that it is every little girl's hope and dream to spend her 16th birthday in Prague.

So while she's been gone, I've been reading this really great book about parenting teenagers (The Blessing of a B Minus by Wendy Mogel). When she gets back, I'm going to be all prepared to parent the heck out of her.
But really even before reading the book, I think I scored one on the independence thing by sending her to Prague for her birthday, don't you?
Meanwhile, I am totally not even obsessed with chickens. I DID request (and find) a man who enjoys songs about chickens when I tried online dating for the first and only time. But that was because I figured you don't hear all that many depressing songs about chickens, and I wanted to find a man who wasn't prone to despair.
And also, my next door neighbor growing up used to raise chickens. But that's the sum of my experience, chicken-wise.
I would never have guessed that there were entire magazines devoted to chickens:

In the regular magazine section of the grocery store in the fourth biggest city in the United States no less! I mean, there must be more to those birds than meets the eye, because the ratio of apartment dwellers to chicken farmers has to be kind of high at that store.
Surely "Coping with Noisy Upstairs Neighbors Monthly" would have a wider audience, at least within the city limits.
On a totally related note and in the interest of keeping on keeping on, here are some more Israel pictures:

Here's his head. The focus is lousy, but the color kind of makes up for it a little. Maybe.

Here's a kid I don't know chasing a bird:

Maybe he can be featured in that chicken magazine. "Chicken chasing children of Israel, page 28!"
What can I say? It was cute.
Here's a sign:

Have a great weekend everyone and happy sweet 16 to the pea!