Last night I argued on the side meth heads in my master's class. I don't know why, since I don't even know any meth heads. The-Guy is probably right, and my compassion is probably misplaced. Plus, I don't think the professor truly appreciated it. So if you know any meth heads who happen to be outstanding, stellar parents, could you please let me know? 'Cause it might help my grade.
Almost a full decade later, I am now updating this post. It's not that I feel sorry for meth heads. I don't even know any meth heads. This is from the comments section and the real reason I found myself inexplicably defending imaginary meth heads during my Master's class:
"I think that's what really bothers me, so maybe it's something different than empathy - when people speak about addicts as if they weren't even human and didn't have feelings, as if they were not real people, dealing with real pain and real problems." - Me in the comment section of this selfsame blog post.
And now back to the post as it was originally posted, pictures and all:
Here's a sad sight. My Boy at the radio station. The DJ asked him to help out. There's a band playing in the lobby; you can see them through the doorway. What's he doing? Playing a video game on my ipod.
Oh well. What can you do? (I mean, besides drag him to volunteer at a radio station every now and again and hope it takes)

Here's a mom and son having a little picknick tailgating thing. I didn't capture it well, but I like a lot of the fact that this sweet scene with the pretty sunset is happening in a Walmart parking lot.

Here's my good for nothing cat. I think it's still called multitasking if one of the activities is a nap, isn't it?

Here's my Sweet Pea feeding that very same cat a dinner roll:

I have these things. They got lousy reviews on (where I happened to get the picture). I think they work pretty well compared to other wax strips. Sort of a strange name though:

The-Guy and I had a conversation something like this last night:
Him: I'm going to lay down, but keep on doing your homework.
Me: Oh, I'm not doing any more homework.
Him: I thought you were defending meth heads.
Me: Oh yeah, I am defending meth heads. But that's it. I'm not doing any more homework after that.
We went to a wedding reception at a Mormon church in which the couple's car was decorated entirely in penises in the mistaken belief that the bride wanted it done that way. Unfortunately I didn't get a picture.
But other than that, it's been a thankfully uneventful week. Just working myself silly on homework, baking dinner rolls, defending meth heads, admiring a bride's would-be-penis-mobile...that kind of thing. Hope everyone else has had a good one too!