I love food though. And eating (and incomplete sentences).
So that's how I ended up making four dozen tortillas this past weekend. And four dozen tortillas the previous weekend, plus two loaves of challah bread, and five dozen chocolate chip cookies.
It's like this: I don't feel like stopping at a store.
Somehow I always convince myself that it will be easier to bake bread from scratch than to drive the extra ten minutes in the car. Same with the tortillas. They have them at the grocery store, but they're icky.
They've got ingredients in them I can't pronounce. And if something has ingredients I can't pronounce, then it's not really food. Plus, to get to the grocery store...I would have to go to the store. And that involves shopping, which I dislike.
This week I tried to get a picture of an egret on a telephone wire, but the traffic light turned green and I had to go.
I tried to get a picture of a train car that said, "Do not hammer on train car" but the train was moving too fast.
Who are these people who would grab their hammers, hop out of their automobiles, duck under the railroad arms designed for their safety, approach a moving train and hammer on one or more of the cars?
I didn't get a picture, regardless, so I'm mostly just stuck with this one that I took in an elevator on our trip to Washington:

And also, I took a picture of a waffle. Though I can't remember why:

I think I'll just stay a reluctant cook so I don't have to find out.
Happy Christmas to 33% of the world! I hope you're enjoying all kinds of Christmas baked goods that didn't come in plastic wrap!
My next post will probably be either late or picture free or both since I will be traveling.