I think Sugar has dedicated his life to providing material for this blog and I just never noticed because I'm usually at work. In addition to throwing the phone into the toilet (he actually had to "paw it in" according to Jared, who apparently didn't feel it appropriate to stop Sugar in the act), these were his activities for today:
1) Knocked over the garbage can three times. He didn't remove any garbage, mind you. He just toppled it all neat and tidy like. I guess he understood that I had just organized the kitchen.
2) Weighed himself (he must be bulking up in hopes of outweighing the garbage can)
3) Imitated an Ozarka water bottle. I think he's planning on making his escape in one of the kids' lunch packs. I just hope they don't judge him too harshly on the standardized tests.

Here's my boy's brain, just to update the well wishers! Isn't skin just the most amazing stuff? Sure there's that scab looking thing, but there are also places where you can barely tell his skull was showing. As for Cassie, she's still not fever free but seems a little less miserable. Thanks so much for thinking of them!

Even though this post was nothing outrageous, I still found it rather amusing. Probably because of the biting sarcasm! :)
Cats and kids do the darndest things.
I love the cat story...please do a reenactment! please!
Hope Cassie feels better soon!
Great pictures! But what would prompt Sugar to put the phone in the toilet?? Is there a call that Sugar wishes to avoid?
don't you just love busy little cats?
too fun!
Derek, Sarcastic? Me!?!? Really thanks though!
Bastet - I'm sure next time I leave the phone on the bathroom counter, Sugar will be more than willing!
JP - Well, if he takes after me then he wishes to avoid MOST calls... :-0 :-0 :-0
Thanks Karensue!
LOL! Great pics! The ones in the water bottle case are my favorite.
Sometimes I toy with the idea of getting a kitty, but your blog is a super reminder of what I would be getting into.
Are you going to come up with some LOL Caturday captions for those pictures? They are great! :)
that is one funny cat, certainly must help when having a boring week stuck at home with a sick kid! do me a favor, give her a large quantity of catnip one day and then hang around to see her in action and then post your day with your drugged up kitty on your blog!
I'm so not a cat person, but if I ever were to get one - that's the kind I'd want.
Your little man looks like he's ready to do another crazy stunt!
Um, remember me? I would of contacted you privately via mybloglog but couldn't log-in (I'm down to one remaining brain cell).
Anyway, apologies for the lack of correspondence but I Kind of lost my way (that's a serious understatement, by the way)
Currently in Bangkok, en route to blighty.
I trust this message finds you well. Sorry to hear about the phone ...
Okay. My first question. Do you really have a telephone in the bathroom???? Because let me tell you, I don't think I would EVER need to:
a) Call someone (unless it was 911)
b) Answer a call (other than the call of nature)
Whilst in there.
Or did the cat actually carry it in from another room?
Cute pics though! Love Sugar! (both the sweetener and your cat)
Ingrid - MOST of the time...ok, that is what he's like most of the time. I think he actually WAITS for me to go get the camera.
Thanks Lara!
Beth, You know I have *never* tried catnip on them? I really should sometime...
Curly GG - I hope not! This is the time the pediatrician said he had to be the most careful! Think I've had enough for a little bit at least! :-) :-) :-)
TS - Of course!!! How could I forget? I'm reminded of you every time I see someone drinking at a convenience store!!!! :-) :-) :-) Been meaning to ask Saradevil if you were still breathing and stuff...
Maureen - I only have one phone, so I tend to try & leave it semi-convenient places like the bathroom counter. But, nah, I'm not for phone calling from the bathroom, actually, and I don't think I'll be leaving it in there anymore! :-0 :-0 :-0 Which is too bad, 'cause it's usually a fine spot - convenient from the bedroom OR living room. :-(
i think cats have their own form of autism or sensory input issues, they seem to have this weird proprioceptive need to be contained. and chucking phones in toilets? sounds like some latent OCD tendencies...
My cats used to get very cuddly when high on the nip! you HAVE to try it, they become total idiots. Not sure where that leaves Sugar since she is already pretty much there!
To Maureen's comment...I still remember getting a phone call from a really weird/geeky guy back in junior high, and he asked me if I could guess where he was calling from. The bathroom -- EWWWW!!! That was way TMI ! Glad to hear ur not making calls from there! LOL
Cats are so funny. Ours hops up onto the toilet tank and sits there whenever someone is using the toilet.
I agree - the human body is amazing. My finger is almost totally healed after I chopped most of it off 2 weeks ago! Glad to hear your son's head it also healing up!
Your cat is definitely related to ours! Or they somehow communicate to develop their master plans of house destruction. Perhaps he trashed the phone in an attempt to disguise the fact that he had just made a call to England?!
Disa - Well, I guess the cats are a great fit for the family then! :-)
Beth - Yeah, Sugar's got personality even without kitty drugs...Nimue could benefit maybe... :-) :-) :-)
jp - Sheesh!!! You think that might be the kind'a thing you might not want to actually advertise...
Alf - Glad your finger's getting better!
DJ Kirkby - So ****that's**** what that charge was last month!
Truly an amazing creature Jill. Makes life interesting. The phone thing would have made me think about turning the critter into a rug but that would have passed.
Your son looks none the worse for wear. Good for him.
Ricardo - Well, the toilet was clean and the battery dried out, so no need to call the taxidermist just yet... :-) :-) :-) Actually, I'm not sure exactly which professional it is that you turn to when you are in need of having your pet turned into a rug...
:-) :-) :-)
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