It also meant three hours in a mall with a child that hates shopping as much as I do. Here's what she lacks that I had at her age though: the ability to open a door to a clothing store and say without taking a single step inside, "I don't like anything here."
So for a break Razor took me to see the boobies of Washington DC.
Well really he brought me there to meet his mom and aunt and cousins and brother, but the side benefit was that we got to tour the boobies of his youth. Here's Razor's mom in the boobie room of the Market Inn having dinner:

But that's okay, because this room was FULL of nakey women. Here's Razor next to one of them:

We also saw the boobies of the Arlington Memorial Bridge:

But now I have to get back to pretending I started planning this bat mitzvah thing when all the other moms started. That would have been two years ago when I first received the date in the mail instead of last week...
What an artistic post!
That is hilarious! I would have taken pics of them too... not that I'm into boobies, except for my own... just the artistic side. Well, you get the picture lol
I can't think of a good reason NOT to like boobies.
boobs must be a popular subject, I referenced them in my blog post today too!
Your post cracked me up!
The key word in this post made me think of one thing, and one thing only:
(Disclaimer: mildly un-PC, not entirely SFW)
Just THINK of all the Google references you're going to get out of this post.... razors for boobs...
Hilarious, BTW. Good luck with the pesky planning.
Planning the events of a single day should NOT take 2 years. If it does, that just means you're not doing anything interesting with the rest of your time.
I love the boobies to thanks for sharing Jill! 1000 points for Griffindor ;D
Take my eyes out of my head and attach it to film. Automatic focus.
The camera that focuses on Boobs could be called: The Man.
I used to be on the Boobies Tour in DC - during my college years. I was very popular, lol.
Thanks SJ & Maureen! Yeah, I'm probably in for all kinds of interesting ones with that combo. After all, I've already been searched with "porn sites showing toilet licking". Who'd'a thunk?
Jennie - well, my non-blog pics they actually have people in them as well as the boobies, but I just thought it was too funny to resist! :-)
Jeff - It actually took me a good long time to figure out that they were actually more than just baby feeding apparatus. But I appreciate them now. :-)
Thanks creative junkie! Going to have to go over & see your boobie post now! HEY WAIT! Your profile isn't linked!!!!
KoG - Very funny in a demented, non PC bat mitzvah impaired brain has not figured out SFW yet, but definitely not PC!!
Christine - It's actually two days. Does that make a difference? KIDDING!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Actually, your take on this one is a big relief. My other big relief was when I found out my cousin had written her speech to her son the NIGHT BEFORE!!! I was so relieved to hear it that I was actually able to write my speech after that!
Glad you enjoyed Roger!! :-)
Very funny Urban Thought & Delmer!
How funny Kerry! I didn't know you were from there!
I love that you were conscious of people's privacy, yet there are still boobs on this post.
You need to dedicate an entire post to Bar Mitzvahs. I understand them, but I'm just starting to realize how expensive and ellaborate they can become. I want some good Bar Mitzvah stories. Like MTV's "Sweet 16" but with Bar Mitzvahs!
Good idea Ingrid - will do!
My best friend said that having a Bar Mitzvah is like buying a brand new Mercedes, driving it around for five hours then driving it off a cliff.
Kerry - I'm lucky my daughter's understanding then. We're getting off cheap with maybe like a 15 year old Ford or something and driving THAT off a cliff. I keep having conversations like this one:
Education Director - "What about pulpit flowers?"
Me - "What is that?! Do I have to have that?!?!?"
Him - "No. You don't have to."
Me - "Oh, okay. Let's not have that then."
Ok, so there were no flowers. I just want my girl to have a good time, & we're not having anything she hasn't specifically requested unless it's required!
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