Sorry male readers, it turns out I didn't hear any let's talk about them yet again. My cats are still eating them. Also, I noticed the packaging is very interesting. I realize this picture is way to fuzzy for anyone to actually be able to read the writing, but I chose to pack for my trip today instead of spending any more time trying to get the words any clearer. Do you suppose the sell special blogging cameras that allow you to photograph the fine print on tampon boxes? It could be a special deal with the automatic boobie focus camera.

At any rate, those little squished ovals at the bottom of the tampon box that are purple, pink, yellow, green, and last of all orange? Those rate the level of absorbency in ascending order. That is to say that purple will barely absorb anything while orange will suck every last ounce of bodily fluid out of a gal's...
So anyway, IF you could read the tampon box, you'd see that the absorbency levels are in English along the top of the squished ovals: Lites for purples, regular for yellow, etc. So the green is "Super" and the orange is "Super Plus".
Along the bottom, the levels are described in French: leger, regulier. With this exception - there's nothing listed for Super or Super Plus in French.
So do you suppose they don't sell Super or Super Plus tampons in French speaking countries? And if not, are their periods just lighter? Or do they get more bathroom breaks than we do?
What a clever observation. You must now go to France and do a study.
Owww, I love it when you talk tampoon....I have to assume that French women are just freaks. But think abou this. I are in France and you read this box, they must think that American Women are REAL freak (they need THAT much absorbancy?)
I really don't think any of us want to find out why French women don't need super or super plus absorbency. I'm fairly certain we are all better off ignorant on this one.
Maybe their cats don't salivate as much -- so super absorbency would be wasted on them.
Maybe there are more post-menopausal women in French speaking countries? Maybe that's caused by speaking French?
BTW the real reason is Super and Super Plus need no translation as the words mean the same/similar things in both languages.
Alf - Good idea! :-)
Lotus - Maybe they do have lighter periods. Aren't French women supposed to be skinnier? Maybe skinnier people...
Jeff - I imagine you're probably right...
Too funny Delmer!!!!!!!!!!
Thanks Kerry!
SJ - That actually DID occur to me, but the problem with that theory is that "regular" is an almost identical word too, isn't it? I already tossed out the box, so I can't actually check at this moment.
You're too funny... I think you may want to use the micro feature on the camera... But did you say it was disposable? I should go back and read about it but if you do have a regular camera it would the "flower" on the dial that you would want to turn to to get the fine print.
As for the French... I know a few french woman... They have heavy flows. So I would probably think that they have more breaks. I'll have to ask one of them when they return from holiday.
UT - OH! So *****that's***** what that flower is for! Taking pictures of tampon boxes! Who'd'a thunk?!?!?! I'll have to try that next time. And yes, would you mind researching the tampon/flow/bathroom break thing? Inquiring minds want to know & all that... :-)
trust the americans to supersize everything. maybe the french double up on the purple ones? i always thinnk of the lickert scale with those things. i want to be as close to purple as possible and trade the orange ones in the multipack with my super flowy american friends who give me their purple ones.
Tis a mystery. Wish I could help. I lived in France for a year but back then, they didn't make super and super-plus. Does that make me old???
Jill, I am LIGHT YEARS behind in reading ur blog! Thx for stopping by to visit this week! I'm gonna do better, I promise!
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