Here's my boy, getting his yellow belt:

My small camera has a lot of settings: one for portrait, one for snow, one for fireworks. There is no "rotten lighting, through a glass window, constant movement, bright primary colors on every surface" setting though. So that was the best I could do.
I love downtown. I love the light rail, and the graffiti, and the old brick buildings, and the crack heads offering to watch your car for you, and the signs.

No sleeping standing in doorway. I love it! Does that mean you can sleep in the doorway if you're sitting down? What if you're slumped against the door sill? Could you sleep all curled up in the doorway lying down?
And I love the lost goats. I mean, right near the center of the fourth biggest city in the United States, people lose goats.

And I love that even when we're late for the airport, my man turns right around and does a U-Turn if he sees a sign about lost goats. So that's what makes him the perfect man for me. That, of course and
the fact that he enjoys songs about chickens...and whiskey.My Sweet Pea found this book in the bargain bin of a close out store:

I just can't IMAGINE why it didn't sell. I mean, I don't know what kind of euphemisms are popular in your area, but around here caca and poopoo are pretty much the same thing.
On that appetizing note I leave you with this Thanksgiving cartoon, which I've used before, but I still like:

Hope everyone had a nice Thanksgiving and ate a lot of big dead bird!
You crack me up.
I love all your signs. Just trying to figure out how you loose a flippn goat. Are there so many of them walking around you can't tell which one is yours?
Here in Canada we celebrated our Thanksgiving last month. But I am having a big dead bird tomorrow as well ;)
So I wanna know what the story was about!!!!
(Oh and congrats to the Boy getting his yellow belt. I went all the way to green with karate and every grading freaked me out!It's a big deal!)
Thanks Tracy! I'm not sure on losing the goat. I mean, I can understand losing ONE goat in downtown Houston, but TWO?!?!? I hope you enjoyed your dead bird!
Arizaphale - You know, I barely glanced at the inside, but it seems to be one of those stories with a moral. I hate that kind. This one is like mixed breed dog (Sheetzu, cocker spaniel, and poodle mix) can't get any of the pure bred dogs to play with him or her. I dislike children's books with morals, or at least that are obviously preachy. I never got why anyone ever liked the Bernstein Bears. Ummm...let's see...I just spoke against Toy Story 3 on someone else's blog. I wonder how many people I can alienate in one day?!?!?!
Congrats to your boy on the yellow belt! The lost goat sign is hilarious. How does one lose two goats, seriously? I hope they find them. : )
This post is hilarious! Congrats to your boy on his accomplishment. The crack head comment is very funny. I get to deal with the tweakers/cranksters at work every day ;)
I love your signs! I am always on the lookout for things like that.
I love the signs - always amusing. As for the goats, interesting choice for a city pet. We live out in the sticks and some how manage to keep track of the goats (actually, not as many around here as you might think). Congratulations to your son's promotion. My kids do TaeKwonDo and we're getting ready for 2nd Dan Back Belt with my son (daughter quit after getting her 1st Dan Black Belt)- and it never gets easier in terms of nerves (for mommy at least).
I didn't take any offense to your dislike of Toy Story; I have a good friend that loves everything SCARY and I just don't get those movies. That's what makes the world go round. :)
Cathi - Thanks! And I just don't know on the goats. The-Guy is of the firm opinion that they became someone's thanksgiving dinner. :-(
Beth - Thanks! And yeah, I guess you would because you're a nurse, right?
Thanks Pat!
Thanks Nicki! And I'm glad I didn't alienate you on the Toy Story thing! I really am not a movie person at all. A movie has to be pretty darn good to hold my attention for a couple of hours like that. Otherwise, I just want to sleep or do something else. :-)
LOVE the signs! I stop for them, too.
Google ( translates "cabrito perdido" to "lost kid" ... maybe this is really about a lost child?
Oh I forgot to send my congrats to your son on getting his yellow belt. Good for him. I know it was a lot of work.
Thanks Loraine!
SJ...I don't even know how to answer this. I'm confused about whether you're joking. Except, you're always joking. So...
Thanks Tracy! I don't know how he feels about the work, but I know it's a LOT of driving for ME!
Congrats on the yellow belt!! I didn't realize that your boy was actually part of the "cult" that is MMAC!! I never see you there, of course "Peanut" attends class at different times, but perhaps if you're there on a Saturday then I'll see you.
I agree with Tracy - how DO you lose a goat??
Oops, I forgot to mention - if you think taking a picture is difficult, try VIDEO!!
Fun Gal Julie - Oh yeah, he thrives for excellence!!!! Well, he tries to thrive. Lately he's been missing more than he goes to because his bar mitzvah practice. As far as the documentation of his thriving, I suppose I better just stick to failing at photos and not delve into failing at videos too. :-) :-) :-)
That Book + eBay = boat load of cash...........just DO IT!
Bruce - You think? Maybe I should go back. :-) :-) :-)
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