I wanted to thank EVERYONE who made my sweetie's bat mitzvah so great, particularly those who traveled from far and wide to get here only NOT to be greeted by one of those little hospitality gift bag thingies, my gal for listening to me say things like: "Pulpit flowers? What is that? Do we HAVE to have that?" without complaint, anyone who heard me say the words, "I don't know. What does the invitation say?", and especially those relatives who were surprised to discover their names on the program the day of the service.
And my mom. just in case my mom didn't fall into any of those categories (I know my dad does for certain).
I also want to sincerely thank my friends Teresa & Debbie, without whom I would have not one single photo of the entire event. Actually, I still don't have a single photo of the event, but THEY DO & for that I am SO very thankful!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I do have a picture of my nephew eating a bagel though, and my cat reading the newspaper. And that will have to do for now.

That cat is not reading the newspaper. Your cat is wrapping himself in the American flag. Clearly, a run for public office is not far off.
It's always nice being done with something that big, huh? I was rather amused to think about you running around and saying those things to all of your guests. :P
I'm not sure why, but that post made me chuckle. Maybe because I know what it's like to go around having great responsibility and not really knowing what's going on. Haha
Glad to hear the party was a success. I'm a fan of the "I don't know, what does the invitation say?"
Well well well, if it isn't the ol' bagel trick... I keep forgetting to get bagels, so meanwhile my guy has to settle for my dirty fingers. It'll make him immune to all sort of stuff, I'm sure.
If you're still here, to schedule posting all you have to do is press the 'post options' at the bottom of the post editor, and where you see the date (on the right), just put a later date.
Have fun. Don't be too sad about all the stray cats on the streets. Wear a hat. I'm sorry to say you will most likely end up watching Fox News. Go to a bar and watch a soccer game (European Cup). Air Supply is playing there soon. I know, it's a strange place.
Have a nice vacation !
OF course your blog did update itself on time - unless you cheated and updated it yourself.
Cute pics :)
I didn't know you were on vacation, enjoy!
Congrats on making it through, lol.
Enjoy your time off, try to relax.
Is the cat *reading* the newspaper? Or clipping tampon coupons? (He'll need to stock up if you're going to be gone too long.)
Congrats on getting through everything okay! I had to laugh at the "what does the invite say?" too. That would so be me.
You deserve a vaca. Have fun!
Yes, that cat looks like he is rehearshing for a 4th of July party!
I recall a certain guitarist on the Saturday server...a virtual virtuoso if you will...fingers gliding over slender steel bands of vibratory magic escalating into the sound of generations passing on knowledge to generations... Or, your cousin learned a couple of songs the night before and played them with a cantankerous cantor. Yes, I think that is more the case. Anyway, it was a lot of fun :)
Funny Christine!!!
Derek - Yeah, I am SO GLAD it's over! It was fun and all...but I'm not so sure about having ANOTHER in two and a half years!
Alf & Maureen - Yes, the invite response was especially useful since I'm the one that wrote the invitation! I should have had it glued to my forehead the entire weekend. :-)
People - Not to worry about the cats; I'm pretty sure my children gave a name to every last cat in Jerusalem. And they weren't sad about any of them except ONE of the cats that was missing an eye. I'm not sure why they didn't pity the other eyeless cat, but they had some reason they didn't feel bad for it. We didn't see soccer or Fox news, but we did watch Beetlegeuse and Something About Mary. I think Felix's slobbery bagel is still around here somewhere if Liam wants a bite...
SJ - this one was the day before I left - the other two did work though!
Thanks Noelia & Kerry - we did!
Funny Delmer! Poor furballs - I took the tampons with me!
Uncle Bernie - I'm almost POSITIVE it was the former!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Did I ever mention that you're the best?!?!?!?
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