I'm thinking this is probably just your average, everyday public service announcement reminding the general public that prohibition went by the wayside some time ago:

Or maybe it's merely promoting drinking on Galveston Island. Who can tell about these things?
"Look Mommy! I'm holding Sugar like this and he hasn't even killed me yet!" And that's why our cat sugar hates my boy (over and above why the average cat hates the average boy):

Here's some pictures of "that other cat you never pay any attention to". Apparently even "that other cat" misses us occasionally, because he's been clamoring for a little attention too. Here he is making sure he's packed in the suitcase for our next trip:

And making sure the laundry basket stays nice and warm:

Did I mention Sugar tended my blog recently? Here he is sitting on a laptop:

I took this second one when Jared noticed that he was googling 666. What do you know?!?!? The furball is evil after all! I knew it!!!
You have a knack for finding the most interesting signs. You need to make a book of your collection.
Them are cute cats.
I didn't notice any cattiness in your writing recently maybe he has his own blog?
Maybe sugar is not evil, so much as a lover of knowledge. You know, sometimes I google stuff, just out of curiosity. And cats ARE known for that.
Lara - Would you believe I actually saw a book like that at Borders last night?!?!? Somebody beat me too it already! :-) :-) :-)
Too funny SJ & Christine! Wouldn't be surprised on either suggestion. He's always up to all sorts of trouble... :-) :-) :-)
Adorable kitty pics! I did not realize that Sugar was the substitute blogger. I'm impressed!
Oh, DD's friend took pics of a couple of signs on her vacation. They loved the one of the beach that said "No disrobing at any time". And one in Ohio: "Speed Limit 14 MPH". :-)
That grey cat is gigantic! My husband holds our cat that way and can't understand why she doesn't like him. Boys...
I knew all cats were EVIL!! lol! Cute pics though.
Hahahaha! Googling 666.... that's NOT a good sign alright.
And you know signs.
Love those cats!
The drinking is legal sign is great, lol.
Perhaps its missing an additional line of "but in abundance can be dangerous."
Janet - He is quite the talented cat!
ALF - I think maybe he looks bigger in the photo, 'cause he's tiny compared to my friend's cat. Or maybe my friend's cat is a giant.
Noelia - Well Sugar certainly is! Nimue on the other hand...he's too busy being scared to have time to be evil. Although...he is the one who harbored a vicious flea in my next post, so maybe so.
Maureen - Yeah! Can you imagine what he does when we're NOT home?!?!?!?
Thanks Kerry!
UT - Yeah. Or a second phrase that says, "and so is eating." :-) :-) :-)
im waiting for the day when they have billboards posting the various sexual acts that are apparently still "illegal" in many states. i can think of all sorts of non-PG catchy ads for them...
Disa - Oh I am so sure you can! ;-) :-0
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