Camping, for you I brave insects. For you I take ice cold showers in spring water! Just for you, Camping, I sleep on a pillow wet from a thunderstorm. Year after year I do these things for you, Camping. Because I love you.
Except, Camping, sometimes when I trudge across the great outdoors at three in the morning to use a bathroom that would make the one in my favorite scummy bar look downright sanitary, or when I contemplate the sheer number of rained on damp things that must be crammed back into the back of the car for the drive home, that very same love can feel suspiciously like hate.
But I'm kidding Camping! There is no hate. There is very little hate. Those feelings are only fleeting, Camping, I promise!
Because I love you, Camping. You are my good and true friend. Camping, when I am with you daily storm and strife falls away, like the boys dropping from the rope swing.

I hate Camping. You can have him.
Camping stinks. I must be too prissy or something, because I can't even find anything to like about it.
My idea of camping involves a 3 star hotel! HA! I think you braved it quite well!
That rope swing looks like so much fun! Although I'm pretty sure I'd get hurt if I used it.
I have never gone camping (or camp). I suspect I might like it!
I was not a camper, but my hubby was. I did it because I loved him too! Then we went and bought a travel trailer!! Now THAT is camping!!!
I love Camping too. You can't have him. He's MINE!!!
But how did things get wet? Our tent is waterproof. ;-)
Christine & Lara & Jingle - It's funny, there are also kids who dislike summer camp. Thankfully not my children, but they're out there to be certain. It's probably just like that: some people are camping people and some people aren't I guess.
Alf - The rope swing is really fun and sort of scary. I have to gather up courage to go off, but then I'm glad I did.
SJ - I think if you like the outdoors, you'd probably like it. But you might ask Christine, Lara or Jingle. Maybe they like the outdoors but not camping, who knows?
Rachael - We only camp once a year, so it's not really worth the expense of a camper. But it does seem like the way to go if you camp often enough.
Arizaphale - Our tent I think is maybe water RESISTANT or something. The stuff against the sides of the tent ***always*** gets wet, because the water passes through the sides somehow. So THIS TIME I thought I was being so ingenious by moving everything away from the sides of the tent when it got all dark looking, only to find out the rain fly wasn't fastened properly. It blew off partway and the pile of stuff in the middle got all wet!
Richard & Jean - That sounds neat! I emailed my email to the address on your site.
I love camping. But I always, always freeze my ass off.
Last time we went, the kid's tent sprung a leak, it rained like mad, and a sleeping bag was SOAKED.
I ended up giving away my cot under the tarp and slept in the car.
Always a pleasure to read your blog... I love camping! It's the getting ready and getting home that I hate.
Rope swings are awesome. And camping bathrooms? Find a tree, sister!
Loraine - You should try camping in Texas. Freezing your ass off is not so much of a problem. :-0 Sorry about all the water. Sleeping in the car is NEVER a restful night.
Teresa - Yeah, that's it exactly, (except for the rain). We STILL have sleeping bags in the dining room. And I think the boy has an ear infection. But we're nearly recovered. Maybe.
A Free Man - When there's actual toilet paper available and a place to flush it, I'm always prone to go that route. :-)
I'm cool with camping, but we've always been more like occasional friends, you know, the kind you see once a year.
Kristine - To be honest, we only go once a year too. But with all the packing and unpacking it FEELS like three or four times a year! ;-)
Well now you are much better than I. Just can't do camping. I am too much of a city boy.
Ricardo - I'm not sure if it's strictly a city/country thing. I think there are just camping and non-camping people regardless of where they live the rest of the year. I'm think you just either enjoy it or you don't.
I was not a camper, but my husband was. I did it because she loved him too! Then we went and bought a motor home! Now that is campingRead More
James - yeah the motor home thing always seems like it would be a great idea first thing in the morning when the sun is already up but you're trying to grab back at least a moment or two of sleep... :-)
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