How else have I made myself busy this week? Let me count the ways: Passover and wedding planning and school work, but also we celebrated my grandfather's 100th birthday!

Today we celebrate my grandfather's 100th birthday (Popo)... He lived through the great depression, both world wars, the Golden Age of the 50's, the social upheaval of the 60's, the freewheelin 70's, the conservative 80's and not once, in any decade, did he ever get a meal in a resaurant he did not want to send back. Happy Birthday Gramps!Also, I pet a horse.

By the way, don't try this first picture at home, at least without shoes and safety goggles.
And The-Guy-Who-Knows-A-Song-About-A-Chicken and I went on a day trip, which is one of my very favorite things to do with The-Guy.
Anyway I'm off to write more essays. Maybe I could just find a relavant blog post to turn in. Surely I've written something around here on individual versus collective oriented what would I have tagged that?
*among other places
Happy Birthday to your Grandpa. Imagine to have lived through all that and all those changes in the world.
You have been busy. But a fun busy.
my grandpa is 97, I may have to steal that speech in 3 years. Except my last line will be "and not once did you have a meal anywhere, that you wouldn't eat!" because he eats 3 meals a day every day and anything put in front of him (including brussel sprouts, beets, liver, you name it) and then everyone else's leftovers on their plates. And then, 3 hours after a huge dinner, he likes a little bedtime snack of ice cream and cake or cookies or a big bowl of grapes. What I really want to know is how you eat like that your whole life and never once have to diet in 97 years! Anyway, keep plugging on that paper, perhaps you can do the reverse and use the paper as a blog post, then at least it would serve two purposes and make it worthwhile!
Hey - your grandpa looks pretty darned good for a centenarian! I love hardwood floors too...even if they're not "perfect". Means I can swiffer instead of lugging out the big sucker. I hate lugging out the big sucker.
WOWZERS! 100- what a long life! I cannot imagine all he has seen. Happy Birthday to him!
Tracy - Yeah, it's been a good busy. :-)
Beth - I dunno. I'd be hungry for all that too, but then I'd need another couple sizes up in clothes. I could eat like that, though, I'm sure. I'm always in favor of a meal or a snack. :-)
Marlene - Yeah, I do too. But I guess the hardwood floors have to go over these boards. :-( Too bad, because it looks so "rustic" with all the glop and paint all over it. They actually look way better in the picture than they do in real life.
Thanks Rach H!
What's wrong with bare boards? Carpet is an abomination.
A Free Man I'm not sure exactly what's wrong with bare boards, just that The-Guy says they weren't meant as flooring. And the nails are too big (I can get past that, myself). And that nice dark color is actually pine or something with a layer of...dirt. Not stain or finish! Just dirt. It's pretty nasty. And yet I do love it.
Happy 100th Birthday to Gramps! And hey you know I have a daughter, she lives with her mother, I am sure that I have mentioned it. Honor student, 4.0 grade average, very shy hates to have photos taken. Now boom she playing dramedys on the stage, what happen? lol! :)
Let's see a barn has a roof and walls. I guess rural Arkansas doesn't but what do I know.
Roger - Good for her! And thanks on the birthday wishes! :-)
SJ - I guess rural Arkansas actually has a number of roofs and walls. At least, our house had a roof. And walls. And even a screen porch. So I guess there's really no excuse.
can we get some wedding planning posts? or did i miss them?
Disa - You didn't miss them. I haven't done any! I will though! ;-)
Wow, happy birthday to your grandpa! How cool is that! A great aunt of mine lived to be 100 and planned her own party. She sat in a throne and had all of her family members come dressed like clowns. It was fun but just a tiny bit creepy...
I'd leave the wood floors exposed, too! But I'm from Iowa, so you'd probably expect that from
Thanks Janet! Yeah, that does sound a little on the creepy side...I'll bet it was fascinating though!
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