I got to go to Galveston for a work conference last week with some coworker-friends. A couple of different drunks were kind enough to take some really good pictures of us. But my boss was with us. And I like my job. So I decided against posting them.
After the conference, The-Guy-Who-Knows-A-Song-About-A-Chicken drove in with my boy and my sweet pea. And it was wonderful and the weather was beautiful. And the beach was...well, it was a beach, which means it was paradise.

Except for the man-o-wars. Those things are deadly, apparently, and the beach was more or less carpeted with them. That kind of put a damper on the swimming and wading and stuff.

We wandered around The Strand, but for some reason, I took most of the pictures in the alley.

I'm sure Galveston must have been breathtakingly beautiful some number of hurricanes ago. There's still some Ike recovery going on a year and a half after the most recent one though.

We heard music at the Old Quarter.

The owner told my gal to reach her hand up as far as she could, then told her that's how high the water had been inside!
The amazing thing was that it was kind of hard to tell. The walls were covered with pictures of people who had played there, which he said had been either sent to him or had been restored.
All in all, except for the man-o-wars, me losing my favorite hoodie sweatshirt (It's black with a zipper & says KPFT. Have you seen it?), and my friend's son puking, it was a perfect couple of days. I even saw a motorcycle made of wicker!

So what could be better than that, I ask you?!?!?
Jared got so big! I love the picture of Cassie in the alley. Galveston's alleys are great for pictures. Who's the little boy with Ray? --Debbie
Debbie - That's my friend's son. Not the one that puked. It's her younger one. He is in my class.
Sounds like a fun day.
The pictures in the alley look wonderful. Its more interesting then pretty buildings, in my opinion. :)
I have never seen those man-o-wars before.
The closest thing we have are blood suckers or leaches in our lakes. They won't kill you but they are gross.
Do those man-o-wars have like purple flower shapes inside them? Cos we totally get jellyfish like that on the beach. But I always heard they couldn't hurt you once they were dead.Haven't tried it out lately though. Looks like a lovely weekend.I agree about the alley being a much better shot for photos. btw: I still think of Glen Campbell when I hear the name 'Galveston'.....
When we were in Orange Beach a few weeks ago the jelly fish were horrible. Both of my boys were stung. The rest of us would have been but it was too cold to get in.
Jelly fish are mean. My son was stung at age six. He said, "I don't think it meant to sting me, I just think it couldn't control its tentacles." He still had a nasty sting though.
I haven't seen the man o wars, but my older son has been stung by one. Your weekend sounds fun.
Fantastic photos....love that wicker motorcycle!
Jellyfish - not so much! Have never met one, and don't want to! I'm a big wuss!
The first half of the trip was great! Having my biggest little man sick definately put a damper on the fun! I would have loved to have sat on that wicker motorcycle -- now that would have been a fun pic!
The first half of the trip was great! Having my biggest little man sick definately put a damper on the fun! I would have loved to have sat on that wicker motorcycle -- now that would have been a fun pic!
Well there not deadly but they certainly hurt like a mother. And can ruin a good beach!
I am holding your fav sweatshirt hostage. Will return it if you give me the wicker bike.
I sort of have this 'issue' with people that live in hurricane/tornado alley. If you are going to live somewhere, where you know that wrath of god is going to pay you a visit 'eventually', wouldn't you be a bit better prepared? I mean, there are ways to build a house that can withstand 150mph winds and ways to hold back flood waters. Mind, they are expensive and may not be the prettiest looking dwellings, but come on, if you want to live on the beach, you have to make some big sacrifices.
As for the Wicker Harley, there has to be a story line there......it just recks of metephor....
Tracy - Yeah, blood suckers sound kind'a gross. Those things might just keep me out of the water too.
Arizaphale - Sounds like the same thing. I've heard they can still hurt you pretty badly even when they're dead. Somebody was telling me how her brother had decided to squish the dead washed up ones with his foot & then he couldn't walk the next day.
Scrappinsam & Sunshine & Shadows - SO not fun!
Thanks Marlene! Not too crazy about them myself!
Missy - Next time we'll get up on the motorcycle! :-) :-) :-)
A Free Man - Well, my gal has a school friend who was hospitalized for WEEKS after having been stung. I only looked it up after seeing your comment but the wikipedia says it's "rare" for them to kill people. But, you know, I'd rather not find out for certain!!! And my friend's boy is so small. It was sort of nerve wracking at the time.
SJ - That's such a relief! The motorcycle is all yours!
Bruce - Yeah, I told The-Guy that what we really need is a beach camper (as opposed to a beach house). Because then when a hurricane is coming, we could just bring it into town!
Holy kasmoley, your kids are looking so grown up! Well ok, not quite grown up but def looking like proper teenagers now!
I will tell my daughter you advise on parking. I won't tell her where you heard it from though LOL.
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