And this:
And this:
And he even told them to grow food, like this:
And this:
And then a few weeks ago I was out to dinner with some coworker-friends and I volunteered The-Guy to build something on our school playground. Apparently fixing stuff is not a Jewish thing to do.
The woman who teaches in the classroom next door to me interrogated the other women around the table, "Does your husband fix stuff?!?!?!" Everyone answered no, except my friend Missy.
But the other teacher was not so easily placated. About Missy's husband she said, "Well he's not Jewish. That doesn't count!" Apparently marrying someone Jewish does not impede one from performing household repairs.
She wanted to know if I was SURE The-Guy-Who-Knows-A-Song-About-A-Chicken was Jewish. He is. AND he's remodeling the bathroom. I didn't get a before picture showing the ugly wallpaper and mildewy shower door. But here's a halfway in the middle picture:
Gotta love a Mr. Fixit who can remodel a bathroom AND grow flowers all in the same breath! Can't wait to see your finished bathroom.
my guy likes to sing 'a whole lotta rod stewart and andrew lloyd webber in the morning', and has a very strong faith about his DIY tasks. he also practices fence sitting. religiously.
Its funny how some people think.
I am good at fixing stuff, but I could use someone to take care of my plants ;)
I love how no one commented after you posted about the free cats giveaway LOL. Guess they thought you might just ship those suckers out LOL
I will skip the squash since you mentioned it right after the mildew. They are now associated in my mind. Bleaah!
I have to agree. Hubby is not entirely Jewish, but he is Jewish enough to be the kind of person who does not fix things. Instead, he writes checks to some nice goy schlub for that.
Marlene - Yeah I do!!!!! I can't wait to see the finished bathroom either. He's almost there!
Disa - So you get serenaded while he does his projects? That's good!
Tracy - Yeah, I'm lousy with plants. Animals either - in fact, some days that cat offer is for real!
SJ - How about some tomatoes? :-)
Funny Christine!
My honey fixes stuff and grows stuff, too. I don't think he's Jewish, but you never know... he might be Jewish- ish... there's something I heard about being the oldest son and lighting the menorah...
Pssst....just wanted to let you know that ALL your comments are showing up on my blog...but thanks for your persistence! I feel loved. :)
I'm confuzzled, let alone wondering if I'm Jewish. Hope so, don't wanna go through circumcision again.
Haha the blurry one looks Ok because it is blurry LOL.
About the life plan, I just want them to get a job LOL
You're welcome Marlene! I believe I resolved the matter by posting 757 more times...
John C. - I guess if you didn't want to try fixing something, you could call the synagogues in your area and find out if you're a member.
Tracy - Ok, well I already have a job... And the picture really does look good. :-)
Jill all this home improving and fixing is much too goyish. stop it, the both of you.
Ricardo - I'll make sure & tell him. But not until the bathroom's back together. :-)
Thanks for clearing this up....it appears that ALL of my coworkers are Jewish, because they can't fix anything....
Funny Bruce!
So THAT is Himself's problem? He is Jewish???? Guess it's possible. There are red headed Jews aren't there?
I sometimes wonder if I realised the implications of marrying someone who was not a DIYer. I think maybe I thought he meant he didn't do makeovers, but I thought he could at least clean the gutters and put up a picture!!!!!!!!!! And unfortunately, we are the goy schlubs so we can't write out a cheque to ANYONE!!!!!
Oh Arizaphale! Red is a very popular hair color for Jews! My mom had red hair! He's probably Jewish.
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