Lately every time I press the button on the answering machine, it spouts the voice of an Obama or two. It's actually kind of a nice change from whatever creditor has been trying to chase down Ebony Hutchinson and her multiple aliases for the past two years.
Aside from being stalked by the Obamas, mostly this week has been school work and work and trying to get My Boy's bar mitzvah together.
My Sweet Pea has been back in the clutches of asthma. For the same reason that
I would have a problem signing my kids up for a daycare that had an intentional misspelling in the name, I'd have a hard time entrusting any of our health to these people:

Needless to say that's not where we went. We were lucky enough to go to her regular pediatrician.
Lest you think I'm a total stick in the mud, I didn't mind being greeted by this guy when we got there:

In other news, for safety's sake I've almost completely stopped talking on the cell phone while driving. It's way too difficult to hold the phone AND take pictures out the window at the same time. One of them had to go, and it really couldn't be the camera, now could it?

Hope everyone's had a great week!
Love the receptionist, now he went all out didn't he.
Where do you find those signs, funny.
I also wanted to thank you for posting comments on my blog. I look forward to your comments ;)
Love the receptionist - great costume. Hope your sweet pea gets some relief from the asthma - this is a terrible time of year for asthma flares.
Tracy - Yeah! I can't imagine that could have been comfortable! And same to you on the thanks! :-)
Nicki - Thanks Nicki. This is her third time going through this, but it's the first time we didn't have to go into the emergency room but also the first time it hasn't been resolved within a few hours. :-(
Glad you got into your regular ped! I hope your daughter is feeling better.
That receptionist is a riot! I can't imagine sitting around in all that make up all day. I'm so glad your daughter got to go to her regular doc, and that she's doing better. I hope the bar mitzvah went well!
Great receptionist! But I agree. . . I'd ditch their name. It sounds so predatory! I'm glad I'm not the only one that get photos while driving! (Wait! Maybe I shouldn't be glad about that!) I hope the asthma is settling down. . . .
The cell phone comment made me laugh, I agree keep taking pictures, That receptionis picture was wonderful!!
My goodness, that receptionist is a hoot--SO theatrical! I LOVE the sign, and I agree; I wouldn't go there, because who knows what of mine they are after! LOL!
Thanks Suzy! She's feeling much better today!
Cathi - I know! And we didn't even make it in until almost three o'clock! I think I think most of it would have been on my fingers and sleeves by then!!!! Bar mitzvah's not for awhile yet, but at least I got the bulk of the invitations done!
Angela - She's doing much better today! Predatory, I was wondering why the name was so disturbing. I mean, it's obviously a play on words somehow, but it's not even cute & even if it were, I don't want "cute" health care for crying out loud!
Thanks Chell & Pat!
Your posts always bring out a chuckle from me!
Be careful when taking those photos....wouldn't want you to drop the camera during a sudden stop, and break it!
There is a pre-school near my house that calls itself "Pedoplanet". For real. I'll try to get a pic of it when i drive by at top speed past it next time.
No nonononononononono! Pedoplanet is just WRONG!!!!!!!!
As for you Jill.....I simply do not believe that receptionist! Halloween perhaps? Glad your Gal is feeling better. Scary stuff though.
lol, I remember getting water eyed over ER visits for breathing treatments. I'm wondering if the receptionist was going for the Vampire masquerading he was going to a masquerade. Pretty good, but he lost points on the amount of rings...and colors, lol.
Marlene - Yeah! I wouldn't want to do that!!! And thanks!
SJ - Yes!!! Definitely get a picture!!!!!
Arizaphale - Yes, Halloween was on Sunday. :-)
John - The amazing thing to me was the vampire-y attitude he managed to pull off despite the festive costume!
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