We skied. We read the paper. We had a New Year's party. Or we helped Mom and Dad have a New Year's party. Although, I wasn't actually all that much help. Sometimes I make a New Year's resolution though.
One year my resolution was to start liking whiskey. It took me more than one year to accomplish, but I'm glad I did it because it saves a lot of calories. Another year I resolved to start saying more swear words, but that didn't really take.
This year I'm resolving to stop gasping. Y'know, like when you suddenly remember that some big project or assignment is due in an hour? My brother says it causes excess adrenaline, and I barely know what to do with the adrenaline I've already got, so I'm trying to go cold turkey on the gasping. That Sweet Pea O' Mine says she's going to help me by flicking me every time I gasp.
I used to put a lot of emotional energy into whether or not our New Year's party traditions were maintained, but I'm mostly over that now. If my brother pours a champagne tower wearing a silly hat, I'm about as happy as can be.

Here are some pictures from New Year's past:
New Year's Eve, 1979, Little Rock, Arkansas

Love the pictures of your New Years celebrations through the years! Thanks for sharing :)
Love the trip down memory lane!
That was a great post - I laughed all the way through it! The pics are fantastic. What great memories!
Yay skiing! Boo ER visits!! I wanted to go skiing til I looked upi the cost of daycare at the slopes- $108 a day. As to whiskey, try Balvenie 21 year old Portwood. It is only slightly less expensive than putting a kid in daycare at a ski resort but you will suddenly like .
Vacations seldom turn out the way we plan, but it sounds like you made the most of it!
Even with all the mishaps I am glad your vacation was a success.
LOL on the Whiskey!
Sounds like through it all you still had a fun trip!
Those are some great resolutions! Its a bummer your trip was marred by mishap but sounds like you had a great trip anyway.
Thanks Leilani, Ann, & Samantha!
Cid - The main thing I learned when I started trying to like whiskey is never to drink any kind that has a bird on it. Kinds with NUMBERS in the name are good though. I like those.
HLIP - That's true. I had envisioned sitting around my mom & dad's & reading a lot while occasionally taking a picture of my nephews!
Thanks Gypsy Girl & Anonymous!
Steph & Beth - It was really great! We had fun. Besides for the hospital visit and stuff.
Had to come over to see if I recognized your brother, but he doesn't look familiar. We are lifelong Buffalo residents.
Sorry to hear about the trips to the ER. They are never fun! Great post and photos
Sorry about your trips to the ER - but seems like you celebrate in style!
So it's true the 80s did exist they aren't a myth. Nice pics.
Thank you Jason & Reds!
SJ - What about the 70's?!?!? Or were you already sure of their existence?
I was finally over New Year parties this year. I think it's because I don't know enough people who sing, dance, play music or wear silly hats.And I don't get to ski anymore. What has happened to my life? *sigh*
Sorry about the ER trips. Bummer. And how'd you get the car out of the ditch? I did that once, in a 4WD and still had to get towed out....
Arizaphale - You should come spend New Years with us. :-) :-) :-) My dad & brother dug us out, almost before The-Guy & I could get back down there to show them where I stuck it in the ditch!
You are the first person I have ever known to resolve to 'gasp' less as a resolution.
Lotus - It's harder than it sounds! This might be one of those resolutions that takes me more than one year to achieve. I'm only a month in though so I guess there's still hope.
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