This kid still lives here, much to his enjoyment.

Can't you see how excited he is?
Ok so maybe not...but I can still make him laugh -


Plus, The Sweet Pea is even a high school graduate!

And this kid continues to make as much trouble as she possibly can!

Happy week everyone!
Nice to see the kiddos! Congrats to your DD! My DS graduated last June.
Congratulations C! J is too darned handsome and Baby L, well she is just a a little heart thief.
The Kid still lives here looks like a tough guy.
Thanks Staci & belated congrats to you and your boy!
Thank you Cid!!
Right Mark? I remember the first time I turned around to do the mom-auto-check-to-make-sure-no-one-has-kidnapped-the-kid and realized that someone would probably have an easier time kidnapping me than kidnapping him!
Congrats to your daughter for graduating yeah!!!
Now comes the real world..happy happy joy joy, lol.
My baby will be walking on stage next week.
I can't believe your baby is one already....what the heck happened?!
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