Megan is a professional photographer out of Gilbertsville, Pennsylvania and has just opened her brand new studio! She's helping me start the photography series with some easy steps that anyone can take, no fancy equipment necessary!
By the way, that is NOT a picture of Megan! It is just a Pinterest sized picture so that everyone and their brother will run to go put this post on Pinterest. Megan is much prettier than that. And has better hair.
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Tips for Creating Better Images
1 Try New Angles.
Growing up my mom took a lot of photos and she still does. I can actually remember her standing with a camera in her hand. She did it the same way resulting in photos that were always similar. To create an image that is more interesting change your angle. Get on your stomach or stand on a chair while shooting. People might look at you a little weird but your images will definitely be more interesting.
2 Shoot vertically and horizontally.
When people take pictures they tend to just pick up the camera and shoot. But you can create a totally different feel to your images if you just turn your camera vertically. Try to shoot everything with your camera vertical and then horizontal. Eventually you will start to see your images in both views and see what works best in any situation.
3 Place your subject on the sides of the frame.
This is what photographers call shooting for the rule of thirds. When everyone starts taking pictures its natural to place the subject in the middle. Try to place the subject on either side of the frame. This will create a more dynamic image and it’s actually more pleasing to the viewer’s eye.
4 Take the picture before having the subjects look at you.
When people are interacting with each other or nature it’s ok to take the picture without them looking forward. It can actually create a more intimate feel when an image is taken and the subjects don’t even notice. It’s allows you to capturing real emotion and true moments.
5 Capture the details.
I really enjoy details and people forget to shoot them. There are details everywhere all you have to so it look for them. Including details in your images will give your images more power to tell stories.
Now grab your camera and go out and shoot. Some of your best shots might be done when you are just practicing!
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If you LOVE these pictures and want to see more of Megan's Work, visit her here! And if you've got a tip along these lines, let's hear it!
The next guest blogger in this series will be the fantabulous Valerie Laramee on tips for improving FOOD PHOTOGRAPHY and in particular a wonderful secret to making the soupier recipes look less like barf!
More Posts in the "Tips for Improving Your Photography" series:
Food Photography: Helping Food Look as Great as it Tastes!
Letting Your Kids Call the Shots: Tips on Getting Great Photos of Your Kids
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Good tips!
Thanks Mark! Well, I'm really thanking you on Megan's behalf, but thanks! :-)
Excellent tips! Thanks so much!
Awesome tips. I love photography but am nowhere near professional level. Thanks for sharing and I will nominate you for featured post of next week. Oh btw, Hi there, I'm a cohost in the weekly #wakeupwednesdaylinky. Pleasure linking up with you.
These are great tips. As a photographer I really like the last two, those are things even the best of us forget to do. Thanks for sharing.
Thanks Pennyzeller, Relaxed Thairapy, & Rochelle (on Megan's behalf!)!!!! And so neat Relaxed Thairapy!!!!!
Love these tips. Thank you! Pinned!
I just started to improve my photography. Thanks for sharing! Hello from Wake Up Wednesday.
Great tips! I like capture the details and put the subject on the side. I need to do more of that! Thanks!
Thank you Blair and Elizabeth!
Good luck Melissa!!!! And thank you too!
Great tips! I will be putting some of these into action!
Come link up with me today!
Thanks Jennie! I will!
Cool tips! Thanks for passing them on Jill.
One of my biggest blogging issues is my lack of photography skills. I'm praying a camera upgrade in the future will help but that's like hoping for a miracle. A girl can dream, cant'she? I'm glad you posted this on #wakeupwednesdaylinky...another co-host here :)
Tiki | Grow It Girl
Thanks Lisa and Tiki! And Tiki, ALWAYS on the camera dreaming! I know I do it!
i am so excited for your new series.
My husband just gave me his old "big boy" camera and I have been trying my hand at it.
So far everything is in auto mode…but I'm so excited.
My daughter and husband are great photographers…me, I'm an iPhone photographer, lol.
These are terrific tips, and I like that they are applicable to any kind of camera. I have featured this post on my Bloggers Brags Pinterest Party today! Thanks for linking up to last week's Bloggers Brags Pinterest Party. I have pinned this post to the Bloggers Brags Pinterest Board.
This is a great post- wonderful tips! Thank you! Lots of fun finding your website!
I love these tips. Thanks. I can't wait to stand on a chair for the next photo I take... or lie on the ground.
Funny Julie! Can't wait to see what you come up with!
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