Here's my annual post about how totally overwhelming the holidays are. I mean December is a nice idea, but who the heck wants to follow through?
For instance it's been over a week and I haven't even mentioned to the blogsville that it SNOWED IN HOUSTON!

It not only snowed, but it snowed and FLOODED at the exact same time! I LOVE Houston! I didn't get the best picture, because I was driving, of course. But that white stuff on my windshield is snow and the cars around me are negotiating flood water.

Even if the snow got deep enough, you can't really sled or ski or snowboard in Houston, because we don't even have hills, much less mountains. So my boy made due with his scooter:

I'm not sure exactly why I continue to be so amused in the grocery store, but I am. Like so many other people, I've been waiting for YEARS for them to come out with a dish detergent that will make my plates smell like baby harp seals:

I realize this is par for the course these days:

In fact, maybe by now it's less amusing and more just a generalized feeling of wonder: What are the repercussions of deciding collectively as a society that it's a good idea to allow ourselves to mentally check out ALL of the time? And what REAL dangers will go unheeded because we're accustomed to being warned about the ridiculous? And what will the pendulum look like when it swings the other way? And why does organic food have to be so cotton pickin' expensive?!?
Last picture for the week (ok, little over a week, but it's DECEMBER fer cryin' out loud and I don't handle the month of December well):

I saw this in the parking lot at work. I asked the head janitor about it, because he's generally in the know about the comings and goings of...everyone. But all he really offered me was that the bus did indeed have permission to park there.
Anyway, happy Hanukkah Jews! Enjoy your latkes, soufganiot and heart disease!!!
Amen to the whole December thing sister (or the Jewish Amen equivalent). Add to it that we finish up the school year here so you get Presentation Nights, Graduation Ceremonies, reports, exams, end of year school paperwork, farewelling staff who are leaving, thanking volunteers,'s a nightmare. But no snow. Not sure if that's a good thing or not....
Oh and that bus is fascinating!!!!
It snows in Houston? Really? Really? Hope the cow boy boots make good snow shoes.
Happy Hannukah go spin a dreidel ro something for me too!
December is definitely not for the faint of heart. It is, like, hello, 44 gingerbread houses/turntables/boats/treehouses/robots. When and where will it end, and will I end first? On, and snow. Are there really people who can do all this and have holidays too???
I love that bus! That is awesome.
Also, December 2009 is killing me.
I don't even understand that bus! You need to get more details!
Snow in Houston - that can't happen often. I remember when we used to get that slushy nasty snow in Florida now and again, not really a winter wonderland is it?
That's the bus you want to be on if and when gravity fails. Happy Hannuukkahh.
Oh my god.........that package of nut has NUT in it.....someone better tell the manager.
(reminds me of an e-mail I got last week from a stated; "can you come help me, I have some corrupt files that are corrupt....and they won't print".....seriously.
Awww, Jill, I'm not sure I feel TOO sorry for you with your snow! We are digging out of 14" inches! lol
But what the heck is with that bus?
Okay I am going to say something that will truely put you over the edge:
You have more snow than we do up here in Canada.
Truth. We barely have anything. But it's frickin' cold so I will assume yours will be long gone before ours.
Happy December!
I have a few cell phone pics I need to post....
"contains nuts" indeed. So does the FDA.
Arizaphale - Maybe one is Ah-men and one is Ay-men? Because my kids were either having a deep discussion in the car about it OR making fun of one version or the other. And that sounds awful on the awful on the timing! At least here we have that divided between December & May!
SJ - How about if I sing "Maccabees March" instead? It's stuck in my head anyway...
Mimsy - I can't even think about ONE gingerbread house! I don't know how you do all that! Then again, I made four dozen homemade tortillas, one challah, and five dozen chocolate chip cookies last weekend...
Kristine - Well we'll just have to start one of those face book clubs! "Dead via December 09"
Alf - There's some sort of name on the side that I can look up somehow I think. But at least I know it's not illegally parked!
AFM - Anything that gets us an afternoon off for no reason is a winter wonderland in my book! :-)
People - Good idea! If and when gravity fails, I hope the bus is in my work parking lot!
Bruce - Let's hear it for the observation skills!
Janet & Maureen - Well we've had nothing but rain, rain, rain since then. I'm serious - I forgot what the sun looked like.
Loraine - Your cell pics probably make my camera pics look like cell pics. :-)
We just got hit with lots of snow here as well. I don't want to deal with it today.
Quite an unusual scent for that product indeed.
Ricardo - Don't tell me you didn't run out and buy some?!?!?! Now how are you going to get that fresh baby seal scent on your dishes?!?!? :-)
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