Here's a phone conversation I had with The-Guy last week:
Me: I got chicken sausage for dinner. You know? Those long kind?I've been deemed unfit for broadcast amongst his coworkers. Again.
Him: Yeah?
Me: You know, the long kind that look like...
(Pause as I attempt to find a way to distinguish between sausage varieties without referring to male anatomy)
Me: that look like...
Me: that look like cucumbers?
Him: I just took you off speaker phone.
I wasn't going to say it looks like a penis though. Because we were just talking about spring rolls the other day. And who wants to be known as a gal with only one simile to her name? Or was that metaphor? I can't remember my exact words actually.
In any case, in addition to eating a bunch of different foods that look like male body parts, we also got (pre)wedding pictures taken. I can't remember exactly why Jeff (friend/wedding photographer) said it would be good to get some pictures beforehand, but it was fun.

I'm not wearing the decoy wedding dress in these pictures though. These are some of the casual pictures.
And also, I don't only eat foods that start with the letter E on Thursday. I just asked The-Guy what he thought was a nice wholesome letter of the alphabet. That way I figured I could balance out the whole body parts thing.
wow! love the pic. cant wait to see the ones of the actual day. tick, tock, tick, tock. i only drink things that start with cabernet-sauvignon on m/t/w/th/f/sat/sun...
LOL. He had to take you off speaker phone. LOL.
I could never put hubby on speaker phone, people would know the real him. Scary LOL.
Those pictures are gorgeous.
So excited for you.
nice pics! sounds like you are eating a lot of eggs on Thursdays, can't think of much else with an 'e'!
what a gorgeous pictures!! wow!
Honey's mom said she ONLY WANTS ONE THING, which was a family photo of us. So we had a friend of ours, who's a photographer, come to the house and take photos, and we all got dressed up, and I wouldn't admit it to anyone, because DOWN WITH THE BOURGEOISIE, but it was really kind of fun.
Love that he had to take you off speaker phone!
Spring rolls look like the kind of penises that would make a woman very, very sad.
Ring kielbasa? That stuff just makes me blush.
Enchiladas, eggplant, eels(pickled), elderberries, epsom salts, Ezi-mac....I dunno....quite a varied palette really....
Nice pics btw!
Funny Disa! And no kidding on that clock thing. Can't wait until this time one week from now! All done!
Tracy and Reel Girl - Yeah, I don't know, every now and then he has to take me off speakerphone.
Beth - Yeah, he wasn't really thinking variety, just wholesomeness. :-)
Thanks Hilde!
Funny People! And also kind of funny because I don't really think "bourgeoisie" when I think of family portraits.
Christine - Why sad? Do you mean those fried kind of icky spring rolls? I was talking about the white, see through kind. :-) I had to look up ring kielbasa. They actually look a lot like chicken sausage...
Good thinking Arizaphale! Just the enchiladas alone would be good for me for Thursdays!
Cucumbers are perfectly fine conversation for mixed company. LOL
Congratulations on your upcoming wedding, lovely pre-wedding photos!
Your pictures are beautiful! I think that he should have left you on speakerphone! However, I have *that* type of sense of humor, so take my suggestion with a grain of salt! :)
Liz - Thank you! And he took me off speaker phone because he didn't really think "cucumber" was the word I was about to come up with. ;-)
Thanks TMTCO! And yeah me too I guess...that's why I get taken off speakerphone every now and again. :-)
Love that last picture. And I hate being on speaker phone. I might have to try your way of getting my dh to pick up the phone. ;OP
Oh! Heidi! If you want to be taken off speakerphone, then you've come to the right place for ideas! For example, describing what you are or aren't wearing works really well. Spontaneous interjections into the conversation along the lines of BAD CAT!!!! DON'T EAT JESUS!!! also work very nicely.
I had a BLAST taking those pics, Jill. FYI, if anyone wants to see the rest, they can see them here:
Set on Flickr
*snerk* you are hilarious!!!!!!!! Nice photos, very impressed and yes it was a good idea.
p.s. foods that start with E...eggs, eggplant, eel, easter eggs (!!), enchiladas, eclairs, edamame work here is done. xo
I just mean they are tiny. Not like an egg roll. And not in the same league as ring kielbasa at ALL.
Jeff - It was fun, right?
Thanks DJ Kirkby!
Christine - Yeah, I think those ring kielbasa things might be in a league all their own. :-)
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