When I get tired of sitting around and looking cute at home, I have to sit around and look cute somewhere else. Anderson Fair is always a nice change, especially if Michael Fracasso is playing.

If you're into one-guy-with-one-guitar-singing-thoughtful-poetic-stuff, you SO should have been there. I know you weren't, because only about ten people were there, and you weren't one of them (unless you happen to be my cousin Bernard). But don't worry! He'll be back in February!
I sat around and looked cute at a Houston Texans game. We even won, which, if you're a Houston sports fan you know is totally and completely unexpected (no matter who we're playing).

Getting there required sitting around and looking cute on the light rail.

There was some walking involved too, actually.
The-Guy and I saw a horse in the center of downtown Houston, right near the tracks:

Did you see him? He's at the far edge on the right:

When I get tired altogether of sitting around and looking cute, sometimes I have to bake something. This is full of broccoli:

It's not usually that phallic looking, but I made this one for a party. I thought skinny would be better for a party bread.
That was my weekend! Next weekend my classes start back up, so I'll be attempting to write papers while looking cute. It's a tough job, but someone has to do it.
I love your photos...but man, that bread looks DELICIOUS!!!!
Are those Pampered Chef skills at work?
I love your photos! Thanks for visiting Debby's Dare. I wish I could make a deal with my husband to get a little tiny pig.
I do not do sports, but I don't mind going to an actual game, they have food there :)
That bread looks so good. You not only look cute you got talent.
Thanks Marlene! Cute new profile photo! I need to get some updates going on around here too...
Annemarie - Can you believe it?!?! All these years later, my kids still love that recipe! Except, I use Mollie Katzen's pizza dough recipe for the bread part instead of rolls, and I've left out the chicken for years and year, and I pretty much wing it on the rest of the filling. Still using my Pampered Chef baking sheet and roller though!!!! My broccoli chopper bit the dust longer ago than I can remember.
Debby - Awww man! And you looked so good holding a tiny pig!!!!!!!
Tracy - I don't do sports AT ALL! I couldn't care less most of the time. But a live game is actually pretty fun every now and again. And I could see how people could get all emotionally caught up in it, if they happened to have the emotional energy to spare. :-)
Stick to what you know.
1) looking cute
2) making babies
3) doing housework naked
(makes for a happy marriage)
[sorry, this is politically incorrect day in my office.]
Bread with broccoli?!?!? How awesome does that look? I must have that recipe!
Mmm, that bread DOES look divine! I can almost smell its deliciousness!! I don't know if I have enough talent to make one quite so pretty though. I would love to attend a pro game...man, that must have been fun!
That bread looks good! Looks like you had a fun weekend.
Bruce - You're right. Those things are pretty time consuming. I probably don't have room for sports in my life after all.
Fun Gal - It's all yours! Stop by my classroom sometime and I'll show you how to braid it with playdough! :-)
Esther - It was pretty fun! And the bread's not that difficult, really.
Yolanda - I did, thanks!
broccoli in the bread - interesting! I would have totally missed the horse - only in Houston.
Holy cow, that bread looks yummy. I'm also completely impressed with your sports post! And you even had a real picture, whereas mine barely counts as real football! But it WAS cute. :)
Oh my. Can I please please have the bread recipe??
Nicki - (S)he is kind of hard to see in that first photo!
Janet - Yours is a real picture!!!! It's funny that we both had sports and neither of us ever does!
Curly Glamor Girlie - It's pretty easy. I make Mollie Katzen's pizza dough in the bread maker, but you can use any type. Then I chop up broccoli and mix it with shredded cheese, mayonnaise, garlic, salt, and maybe some dill if I feel like it to be about the consistency of tuna salad. Roll the pizza dough into a rectangle, cutting about ten slits down both of the long sides. Put the filling down the center like a tube shape and then bring up each of the slits on the side and tie them across the middle of the filling, then bake it.
Jill, do you cook the broc first or is it raw, and what temperature and how long? I've never done stuffed roll/bread recipes before.
John - It's raw, & chopped very fine. Like I don't leave pieces bigger than maybe a pencil eraser. I bake mine on a baking stone (it might be shorter on a cookie sheet) at 350 for maybe 40 minutes. Sometimes I have to cover it with tin foil at the end so the top doesn't burn.
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