I pass by this sign on my way home. It flashes these messages:

I'm not sure which I'm pining for most - hazardous material or the ELE, but either way a garage ale is a good deal, I'm sure.
My brother is visiting from Buffalo. Maybe you can kind of tell why My Boy and the Sweet Pea call him "Uncle Fun":

We saw this daycare. I'm sure it's way better than the immoral ones down the street!

My brother spotted this sign. Otherwise, I'm sure the sidewalks would be littered! Littered with motorcycles I tell 'ya!

I dunno. I though sidewalks were for walking, but who's to really say about these things?
Flowers in the front yard:

Last but not least, That Sweet Pea O' Mine wanted me to show off this kitty face inside a carrot:

And that's it! One week left to go on my classes and then I start my 12 step program for people who sign up for too much stuff! Happy weekend everyone!
Righteous Daycare sounds perfect for us because we have a Righteous Babe_y.
So funny Cid!
You find the most amusing signs.
I can tell you children love their uncle :)
Oh I bet your kids are looking forward to some yummy food as opposed to that yucky stuff you've been feeding them, lol.
Amusing signs and cool find inside the carrot.
Tracy - They are waiting for a return of the weekly homemade tortillas! I'm so out of the habit now though, I'm afraid it's going to be hard to start back up!
Thanks Nicki!
LOL @ the motorcycle sign....and wow, that carrot is pretty neat!!
Uncle fun does, indeed, look like fun!
Thanks Marlene!
What the heck is 'ELE'?
...and there is no way that I would ever drop my kid off at Righteous Daycare....who knows what they would be thinking by the time I picked them up?
Look at that carrot! That's pretty carotene shot. Have a great spring break Jill! :)
Love Righteous Daycare! Right On!
Lovin' ALL your stuff! Can you sign me up for that 12 step program too? Just askin!!
Funny Bruce! And I think ELE turns out to be "electrical."
Funny Roger! And I did!
Thanks Kerry!
Arizaphale - I was just thinking yesterday how long it had been since I was by your blog! I say we take the 12 step thing together! Maybe we need to invent it...oh no wait, that would be taking on yet another project.
Righteous Daycare! Bwahahahahahahahaha! Hah!
gosh, i hope that didnt mean 'ELEphant' waste...
where the hell do you live, anyway?
Sounds like the only way to go, right, Thalasa?!?
Slyde - Elephant waste hadn't even occurred to me! I think it turned out to be electrical or something?
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