Here's my new website idea: meet' It would be for all those times your brother suggests meeting halfway between New York and Texas to go like, camping or something, and then you agree it would be awesome but neither of you ever does anything about it.
You'd just put in the two places you're coming from and find out the best spot to meet. And if there's more than one best spot, it could rate them based on places to see and things to do, or best restaurants or hotels or whatever.
So if someone could please be kind enough to invent that website...or point me to the one already invented...
Meanwhile, for pictures...the Sweet Pea has been keeping us busy at the orthopedic place as usual. Here she is getting an MRI of her wrist:

And I saw this shampoo at Target:

What does men's hair actually have to endure? I mean, women's hair gets curled and straightened and styled and teased and dried and constantly attacked by "product". But men's hair...I thought it led a relatively easy life of a trim or hair cut here or there. Maybe the occasional ball cap or something.
I hope everyone has had a good couple weeks while I've been not-blogging!
I don't know if that's a good idea. Sounds like "two-people-who-don't-want-to-see-each-other-compromise"
My wife, (who has curly hair) bought this shampoo and the label says "for women of color". WTF does THAT mean?
I hope your daughter's wrist is okay.
Really...that shampoo looks a little skewed.
Awww hope your daughter is doing fine. Those machines sound like I am in the crusher shack at my hubby's gravel pit. lol.
As for the shampoo, I would try it. I'm not a guy, but I need keep loosing my hair so bad, and here is my hubby with thick is just not fair ;(
Glad to see you back on the blogging wagon ;)
Well I for one am relatively pleased you had a blogging vacation because a) it makes me feel less bad about my inconsistent posting and b) it makes me feel less bad about not keeping up with blog reading. So! Good job you!!!
What happened to the Sweetpea's wrist? Better go check facebook....
Welcome Back! I LOVE your meet you half-way idea. If you don't come up with it soon someone else will and they'll make a ton of money and you'll be really mad b/c it was your idea to begin with!!
im registering that domain name as we speak. i'll sell it to you for half a mil.
Ummm...Mark...I think that means shampoo for people who are not white. I'm pretty sure there are entire stores devoted to shampoo for not-white-people hair. And...I dunno if it makes any more or less sense than men's hair needing to endure more than women's hair. I'm just not really sure.
Thanks Marlene! So far so good!
Tracy - Yeah, that DOES sound unfair! Kind of like when men get the long eyelashes...
Arizaphale - YAY! The silver lining! Unfortunately, there's nothing on facebook about the wrist either...we've all had stomach bugs too, so there just hasn't been a bunch of internet time lately. So far so good on the wrist though.
Julie & Slyde - That's okay. I'd actually appreciate it if someone could invent that for me. :-) My friend and I also came up with an idea for four wheel drive beer coolers back in the 80s and I was hoping someone would get to that one, but so far they've only gotten as far as putting on the wheels and motorizing them as far as I know.
I hope sweet pea is ok.
Love your idea for a web-site. I know a lot of us have the same problem. Can you get it up and running before Thanksgiving??
Hair endurance???
So far so good Kerry! The doctor was saying he needed to like, saw her bone & shorten it & stuff, but it's looking like she might get off scott-free!
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