This looks like a gray lump, but it's actually a baby picture:

I figured out that the less something looks like actual food, the more likely I am to be able to keep it down. In fact, there were a couple days there when I was relying on Ramen noodles as my sole source of nutrition.

But then it occurred to me, whatever is in the anti-nausea medication couldn't possibly be any worse for the baby than whatever is in that flavor packet that goes into the Ramen noodles.
So I started consistently taking the anti-nausea medication and now I've been able to expand my menu to include frozen pizza.
That's why it's been quiet around here...I've seen good signs, but been too tired and/or sick to lift my camera out of my purse. But I'm starting to feel like I might actually survive, so hopefully I'll be back into posting.
Hope everyone had a good week!
Shut up!
You're pregnant???!!!!!
Thanks Kerry!
-Anne (2Peas)
Get outta town! Congratulations!! :-)
Congrats to you!!!!
So exciting, and just think you'll have so much help from the older kids :)
Congrats!! Glad you can now a bit more than ramen noodles!
Thanks Anne, Staci, and Sunshine & Shadows!
Tracy - That's what I'm counting on! My husband was asking my stepdaughter if she knew how to change a diaper. I was all, "It's a piece of cake. My boy knows how to do it." My boy was all, "Huh?!?!" and I reminded him that he could changed his own diapers when he was two.
Thanks Reds!
Congrats on the baby! How exciting, and that so looks like a little baby, not a lump! Hope you feel great soon!
Congrats! A whole new Adventure...
I'm so excited for you! I have a "my kids are grown up and for some reason I thought having someone dependent on me again would be fun" baby. You really slow down and cherish every moment armed with the knowledge that time truly flies.
I hope you start feeling a bit better, soon. My first-trimester diet consisted solely of saltines and bubbly water.
So happy for you and your family!<3 I am also excited that I will not be the only geriatric dropping a kid off for kindergarten...
The frozen pizza would explain why the images look like a picture of a Hot Pocket.
Thanks Angela & Eric!
Ingrid - We definitely didn't have a problem with independence around here. And yours are still all in more or less elementary age, aren't they?!?!? I guess we thought getting a good night's sleep wasn't everything it's made out to be.
Yeah, Cid! We can drop off at kindergarten and then go play bingo together at the senior center!!!!!
Thanks Marlene!
Trooper Thorn - Yeah! That as good an explanation as any...
Big time congrats!
your gonna name him Slyde, right?
Slyde - I guess. I mean, it's a really popular name right now, isn't it?!?
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