It's only about an hour from the beach (okay, so it's an ugly beach, but it's got waves and sand and that feeling of awestruck wonder just like other beaches).

Houston has so many different types of food that when I got here in 1990 I was sure I had moved directly to Epcot Center. Granted, I moved here from Vermont, which was 90-something percent white and might have had more cows than people at the time.
I've heard there are professional sports teams here. There's all manner of clubs and bars and live music. The newspaper won some sort of award and it has more comics than any paper I've ever seen, which as we all know is the really important part anyway.
Houston even has a beer can house! I haven't seen it with my own eyes yet, but just knowing a beer can house exists in Houston is a joy in and of itself.
Even so, the word "cool" does not immediately spring to mind when most people think "Houston." But, that's only because they haven't been to the art car parade. There are other art car parades in the country, but Houston's art car parade is the original - the oldest and biggest.
All this is just to brag about my daughter Cassie's art car parade pictures, which Christiane Van den Abeele made into a video:
Not bad for an almost 12 year old photographer, are they? My new profile picture is also thanks to her!
Now those are some funky cars!
Vermont sounds like a great place for a bull to be in. A bull that wants to the nasty with anything that moos.
And no tourists might be a good thing. Houston, you don't have a problem.
I've only seen the inside of the airport LOL DH on the other hand has been all around the downtown area and loves it. Great pics
Alyssa - aren't they great! We go every year.
SJ - Is this what I get for one lousy non sequitur on your blog?!?!?!? :-) :-) :-)
Sherri - Really?!?!? Somebody that doesn't live here loves Houston?!?!?!?!? :-) :-) :-)
I've never visited Houston, but DH has been several times with work; he said it's a fun city!
Wow! She got some great pictures!! Love the beach one too!
Hang on...I'm from central Iowa. Believe me, Houston would be considered WAY more cool than Des Moines!
Now those are some cool cars! I saw art cars for the first time at our state fair this year. Never heard of them before then. Maybe Des Moines will catch up with Houston after all, huh?? Janet
I think Cassie's pics are fabulous. It was if I was at the parade. I loved your music choice and I could hear it just fine.
whoa, look at that beer can house! LOL
I'd love to visit Houston someday!
i see you are engaging in the timeless houstonian (?)tradition of running around like a creature from the blue lagoon. bravo!
Toners, Rachael & Janet - Yay! More votes for Houston! I knew there was some reason I live here...well, besides the beer house.
Thanks Colleen & Annette! The song was actually chosen by Christine, web admin at a radio station here, so I guess that would speak to her knowing what to pick. ;-)
Disa - I didn't know about that tradition! I'll have to get right on that... :-)
I'm having problems viewing the video - it's been 'loading' for several minutes now.
I've been to Dallas, Austin, Houston, San Antonio, and Galveston. I can't really recall Houston - I was there for work and the area was all office buildings and I think it was during some economic downturn as the place felt a bit lifeless. Hmm. All I can recall is that it was muggy, overcast/smoggy and I was warned about close encounters of the Palmetto Bug kind.
I love the way you described Houston: "I've heard..", "there's some sort of...", "there's all manner of.."
I'll just have to see if I can see the video later...
Ms.Q - I think the Palmetto quote was a euphemism for giant tree roach !!!!!!!!!!!!!
:-0 :-0 :-0 I hope the video is back!!!!!
Hey Jill,
I went private with my blog because I was being harassed by a LOT of trolls.
I want to invite you on to it. Email me at spacekmonkey AT gmail DOT com - I don't know your email address.
~ Irisi
My husband wanted to move to Houston but then he told me that it's hotter than Florida and that pretty much made me want to die.
Irisi - emailed you! Yeah I saw you were getting some really mean spirited comments. :-( :-( :-(
Alf - Really? We're hotter than Florida? You've got prettier beaches for certain, but I didn't know you had better weather. Actually, I'm pretty sure most places have better weather...
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