Even though the floor of the men's room has nicer tile than the ladies room, it turns out that licking the floor behind the toilet of the men's room is not a reliable method of suicide.
So, if you're seeking death by way of licking the floor behind a toilet, you might consider starting with the ladies room instead.
And look! They also have framed graffiti in the men's room:
This was the first time I've encountered an actual male in the men's bathroom, and coincidentally or not so coincidentally the first time I've had a men's room tour guide.
My guide, Joe, had just been complementing my friend and me on our lack of makeup. So when he took the opportunity to ask if certain body parts were real I said, "People who don't wear much makeup generally sport their own body parts."
I don't actually know if that's true or untrue for most women. The only thing of which I'm certain is that all my body parts are mine.
I would agree with that, if you are comfortable without make up then surely it stands to reason that you would be comfortable with the rest of yoru body?
I am sure not only are there more reliable but there are methods better in every way to commit suicide.
That was a sili-joke :)
DJ Kirkby - See, I knew I made sense...somehow.
SJ - Yeah, My friend didn't actually tell me why her friend chose this method. I just figured since I had already posted pictures, it was surely worth mentioning.
You could just tell him you like your boobs like you like your face, untouched.
Saradevil - Yeah, I think those were almost my *exact* words, except I said it with my hand slapping his away (which, btw, he claimed had not been about to touch me) :-0 :-0 :-0
I guess that's just to be expected when you say yes to the offer to be accompanied into the men's room. *shrug* I'll have to remember I don't need a tour guide next time.
LOL! I'd say that comment about real or fake body parts is pretty true. I know of no person who has fake parts that doesn't wear make-up...they seem to go hand in hand! ;)
Fun-nee! Eeewww on even the THOUGHT of licking behind a toilet. Urk. I like saradevil's "comeback" about untouched boobs.
I would think that women who don't wear makeup would have their own body parts barring any reconstructive surgery but ya never know.
Spotted your site change after you spotted mine.
You're pure evil. ::enlarges it:: Yep...pure evil. ::sighs:: I need a smoke.
Sabrina & Ms.Q - Oh good,two more people on the planet who don't think I'm a blithering idiot! :-) :-) :-) Or, at least partially follow my logic...
John C - WHAT?!?!?!?!?!?
I'm not pure evil!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I'm only half evil!!!!!!!!!!!!!
It says so on my myspace page... Guess I better get finished up on that nice, wholesome preschooler post I've been working on. My friend put an awful picture up of me there, so I probably shouldn't be posting this. :-0 :-0 :-0
Yep, pretty sure I would never lick the toilet room floor. There are easier ways to die trust me on that one.
Debbi -
Oh yeah, me neither, NEVER~~!!!!!!!!!!!! It was bad enough just getting close enough for a picture!!!!
I double dare Derek Wong to do it though!!!!!!!
Hi Jill thanks for your comment on IDP ;D and I am glad your going all naturel like the photo's very funny :D
i rather think that exposing one's face is quite enough exposure (but then i grew up in saudi arabia so that's my excuse). the profile pic is lovely btw.
Thanks a lot, Jill.
I'm pretty sure that I'm not going to go lick the floor next to the toilet. I've used toilets, and I know what happens around them (especially with guys, some don't even make an attempt to aim!). I'm not particularly anticipating unknown sicknesses from it.
But thanks for thinking of me when you encounter dirty disgusting distasteful things to do. You must stop being so kind to others.
I will lick the back of the toilet! I have been through worse things, like spagetti at Ground Round :-)
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