Of course, December is ALWAYS tough. I can't really decide if this December has been more or less brutal than most or just par for course. I imagine my stresses this time of year are similar to many people's: sleep is in short supply and (despite years and years of research) I have yet to discover the formula for being in two or more places at once.
Still on my to do list for the month is throwing together a birthday party for my son. I did manage to get a Chanukah party rolling for my Sunday school class though. We had it all! Music, dancing, gambling (well, the dreidel game at any rate), and enough sugar to rot the enamel off of every last tooth in the entire class!
Even so, each and every time I've given a classroom party for first graders, one of the children asks, "When are we having our party?" after the party is over or nearly over.
We even made those cute little marshmallow dreidels in the picture for cryin' out loud!!!!! So I always have to sort of wonder what exactly constitutes a party in a six year old's mind. Surely they weren't expecting an open bar?
By the way, since I accidentally sent my Sunday school parents this web address: Thank you again for the donuts, sugar cookies, donut holes, Oreos, frosting, Hershey kisses, fruit snacks, muffins and marshmallows!!!!! The kids LOVED them! Your children's dentists, The Imperial Sugar Company, and I would like to thank you from the very bottom of our...pancreases.
Kidding!! No seriously though, thank you so much - it wouldn't have been a party without treats!
God reading that is making me hungry I going to the kitchen for some tasty treats! Happy birthday to your boy!! :D
Those Driedel treats - yow! I'm not sure I'd want to be around the kids after that. Pretty creative idea, though. Do you guys toast 'em over ... nah, that would probably be sacrilegious. But marshmallows on anything stick-like make me think toasting.
From tampons to marshmallows - all these white puffy things.
Those are the cutest Dridel's I've ever seen!
I hate it when I accidentally out myself to my students parents by letting them know that I have a life outside of the classroom. However as a teacher I can honestly say that parents who are interested enough to read this blog and not decide their children need to be moved immediately to another classroom are not only cool, but the coolest daddy-o parents around.
You're dreidels rock!
Darn. My kids would soooo be celebrating their 1/8 Jewishness with those marshmallow dreidels, if they weren't all so old.
Actually, my youngest boy is only 11, and I think he will be making these the next time I go to the grocery store. Because...pretzel! marshmallow! chocolate! It is the Trifecta!
How cute are those!!! you are so creative!
Those are the cutest things I've ever seen.
Working in a school is deadly around the holidays. Treats and cookies and snacks galore!!
It was really hard to read after seeing those yummy driedel treats...
Not a open bar strippers...just picture one popping out of a huge dreidel...
Thanks Roger!
Ms.Q - From tampons to marshmallows...sort of like your from prisons to mamograms... :-) Toasted DOES sound yummy, though s'mores always give me a heart attack!
Thanks Alf & Saradevil!
Saradevil - Yeah those life collision things we wrote about on your blog can be less than ideal...though sometimes fun! :-)
Christine - I never knew trifectas were so yummy!
Thanks Beth! Oh & thanks for keeping Jared last night too! Just remembered I need to call the Chick-fil-A!!!! :-0
Curley GG - Yeah, I think I've ALREADY gained however many the average pounds are & it's not even halfway through December!
Bastet - I'll be happy to make you one if you ever visit! :-)
SJ - You are SO BACK!!!!!!!!!!!!! and so funny!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Youa ccidently sent your blog addy to all the parents of your Sunday school class? How on Earth did you do that?!
Ninety minutes ago I could have told you what the words were on the side of the Dreidels ... they are lost to me now.
I just came from my youngest's Christmas play, at Catholic school. They explained, and sang songs about, Hanukkah, Kwanza, Ramadan, and Christmas -- only the atheists were excluded.
It seems the Catholics have chilled a bit over the years and have decided to let everyone into Heaven. (RCIA *was* a bit more laid back than I'd expected.)
(Despite the inclusiveness of the play, I'm pretty sure it was called the Christmas play by my son. Maybe it was the Holiday play.)
DJ Kirkby - Iss calld everthin I du in December is rshed and fll uv misteaks...also known as I forgot to remove my signature from an email to the parents! :-0
Delmer - Who'da thunk???????? Did they really decide to let in *everyone*? Woohoo! That's gonna be some party...
I actually love Christmas carols (especially ones that have tampons in them), but they don't come in my classroom...well, except for one year when I had a Christian assistant who sang jingle bells...
Love those dreidels. Very crafty and domestic-looking, even. Now have you seen the tampon angels? Or the maxi-pad slippers? You could make a whole flock of angels with those 30 tampons you found.
the dreidels look yummy!
This month does a number on all of us. It's a very rough time and there are not enough hours in the day.
JP - Y'know tampon crafting is ringing a bell somehow!!! Shouldn't have tossed them out, dag nab it!!!!!!!!!!!
Ricardo - NO KIDDING!!!!!!! That "does a number on" phrase is sort of transporting me back to my childhood. I think my dad used to say that all the time or something. :-0 :-0 :-0 Don't hear it much anymore.
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