I was a little more hesitant but I shrugged thinking, "There are plenty of foods that taste better than they look or sound. Sure (another shrug), why not?" Here's what that cute little sucker looks like cooked up in his own ink:

But y'know, either way, what it looked like was not the point! The point was, it was stuffed with ONIONS! I mean, animals that look like testicles, okay. Onions ICK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Still, I just steered clear of the stuffing and it was...ok. Not fantabulous or anything. But not so bad either - a definite end to the search for anyone seeking food shaped like body parts swimming in its own juice.
Oh yuck. Just yuck. I think I feel my breakfast rumbling. You are one brave girl if you actually ate that. I could barely look at it!
Oh, no!!!! Jill, Jill, Jill...It must be love that caused you to take such a step. That could be the only possible explanation! :-)
Ohhhhh...ewwwwww! LOL! OMGosh! I'm laughing so hard that I worked my cough back into a frenzy again...ROFL! EWWWWWW!
I like trying new things but somehow that wouldn't appeal to me. But hey... You have to be in the moment to appreciate the adventure.
Glad you took a chance.
Okay guys REALLY it wasn't THAT BAD!!!!! It more or less just tasted like calamari.
Too funny Janet! Honest to goodness - it was the onions I was really afraid of!
Plus, luckily, I didn't know it was going to look like a testicle without an octopus before it arrived at the table.
Glad I didn't eat breakfast yet...ewwwww! I have a thing about textures of foods, and that just looks...well...slimy!!
BRAVE! My first thought was ummmm EWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW! LOL
You're adventurous! I couldn't do it. Not even calamari.
I like sushi...but this sort of pushes the envelope.
Toners - Yeah, it was a little of on the slimy side. That's why I like the calamari better when it's all nice and fried & crunchy on the outside & like a rubber band on the inside.
Gabrielle & Lara- Well. Yeah. I mean, I'm sure there are foods I eat that look more disgusting...I'm just not thinking any up right at this moment.
Lotus - See now I won't go NEAR sushi! Or onions... :-0
THAT would NEVER touch my lips... LOL LOL LOL... BOGUS!! LOL LOL.... ewww ewwwww... but it is quite funny!!
I'm really, seriously surprised by how unanimous this is! I don't even consider myself all that adventurous of an eater. I don't even eat SUSHI fer cryin' out loud! I guess I'm a more adventurous eater than I thought.
hahaha! I've eaten plenty o' squid but not squid in its own ink...eh. That doesn't sound all that appealing but my guess is that the ink doesn't taste like much of anything. I've had the deep fried and the stir-fried and even some type of pounded flat steak version.
ONIONS on the other hand, er, tentacle, are icky! Not into onions. Everyone on my mother's side are anti-onion, any kind of onion and sometimes, even if it looks like an onion ("Isn't scallion some type of onion? A leek kinda looks like an onion...I'm gonna pass..")
FEET on the other hand, er, tentacle are not considered edible to me. I don't eat feet. I've seen relatives eat chicken and duck feet and nope. My ABC (American Born Chinese) relatives steer clear of feet, too.
Have you ever had Rocky Mountain Oysters? I'm sure they must serve 'em up in Texas what with it being cattle country.
They're a seasonal delicacy. Or so I'm told.
I would try it just to say I did. The thing that bothers me about the post is the whole "Before" picture business. I feel so bad for the lobsters in the tanks. I don't know why I'm not a vegan by now.
Thats gross, I wouldn't touch that stuff with a 10 foot pole! And I have ate cow tongue, bear meat,deer heart and that stuff don't look good at all!
Ms.Q - The ink didn't have that strong a flavor, but my dad said the ink sauce we had was very, very mild compared to the ink sauce he tried in Spain one time. No I never tried Rocky Mountain Oysters or heard of them actually...
I don't think I would want to eat feet of anything either, but then again I do eat those calamari tentacles.
Frogger - Yeah, I get grossed out even cutting up raw chicken. But I figure either be able to look at the hapless creature or eat vegan... Then again, sometimes it can be best not to know...
So Roger, you ate BAMBI'S HEART but you won't eat a cuttlefish?!?!?!? KIDDING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I've eaten deer, but not the heart. Actually, I don't *think* I've eaten the heart or tongue of anything. Then again, sometimes I've made good and sure I don't actually know what's inside a taco...
The onions were probably to offset the taste. You do realize that in the excrement you can probably still distinguish their taste.
That didn't come out right, no pun intended. :)
YUCK! and I have to say that I LOVE seafood but this...this...I could not...even...
gag! lol!
Jill I just seen you bridge shots there beautiful!! Nice job, I would leave a comment but I have to sign up. I might just have to do that. Thanks for the links, they worked just fine!!
John C - Or pun intended. :-0 :-0 :-0
Noelia & DJ Kirkby - Well, what can I say? Just stop by any time you'd like me to ruin your appetite. You could lose all kinds of weight on the cuttlefish diet I'll bet!
Thanks Roger! Hope you're feeling better!
I may have been able to handle to squid, but the ink? No freaking way. You're a brave woman.
No, no, no! I would NOT eat this guy for all the money in the world.
Ingrid - Yeah, I dunno. Quid, ink...none of it really tasted like chocolate, so what's the difference? :-)
Awwww come on Ricardo! You wanted some birthday fun!!!!!
Ew, ew ew... no way. You are much braver than I.
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