Such a tragedy. One moment these elderly cars are living out their twilight years enjoying a life well lived. The next they're missing, kidnapped or worse! Then again, maybe the poor thing just ran away.
(Just wanted to add - I really do think this sign was advertising an elderly missing PERSON driving a quite possibly an elderly car, only because these signs generally only used for freeway problems or Amber Alerts. I think it was just poorly worded. I could be wrong though. I discussed it at length with my parents and my dad doesn't seem to feel it's as cut & dried as it seems.)
Maybe you can get someone to start a fundraiser for Elderly Missing Cars.
I love funny signs. We don't have freeways on Long Island, so we don't have signs like that - people just take out space and advertise??
That must be nice to advertise that your car is missing.
This world is an interesting place.
Yes, sad and interesting. Really enjoy reading this blog. Hope you check mine out if for no other reason than that is the easiest way for me to keep up people who post comments on underdogblog. Third person stuff kills me.
My word verification is iatem. like I ate 'em, like the squid, good sign.
Curly & Urban Thought - I didn't realize these signs weren't on interestates everywhere! I sort of put an update on the post because I thought they were more common. These signs are generally only used for freeway stuff or Amber Alerts. I've never seen any advertising on them at all.
El pato - Thanks! I'll stop by!
The poor, poor elderly missing cars.
wow if an elderly person really is missing that's really sad.
I don't drive. So its very rare that I'm on the road seeing these signs.
I've got an elderly car that I would quite like to go missing actually...
Alf - Doesn't your heart just break for them?
Brown Eng. Muffin - My guess is that the elderly person turned up pretty quickly. The signs were changed out right away. I was glad I risked taking the picture while driving - I wouldn't have gotten a second chance!
Urban Thought - I think I'd like to be able to say that. :-) :-) :-) ****I'd***** be fine - I work not even a block from my home. My kids on the other hand would have to take up hitchhiking!!!!
DJ Kirkby - I'll see what I can arrange! KIDDING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :-) :-) :-)
A 300 Chrysler circa 1960 with a hemi-V8 engine is a pretty desirable car. If someone stole mine, I would put out an amber alert for it!
ITA on it being a badly worded sign!
BTW, I'm still not over your last post... :-) I had to slide that puppy down so I couldn't see it whilst reading this one!! LOL!
That is funny. It is hard to take pictures while driving on the freeway isn't it!? And maybe the car wanted t o be missing. I've had some elderly cars that I wanted to be misplaced.
This is a sad problem I remember when a old 57 Chevy went missing just up and disappeared, nobody really knows what happen.
you Rock Jill!
Oh wow. Stuff like this really makes you wonder about the people behind public safety, huh? LOL!
I didn't know that cars could be elderly? That is too funny!
That is too funny! and I might add that you have two kids to raise and what the x@#$% are you thinking taking a picture while driving on a freeway? or was the guy who knows a song about a chicken driving?
The 300 hasn't been in production long enough to be elderly. also it can't go very far since it gets awful milage. I do hope that if it is a missing elderly person that they are found soon.
Lotus - I'll try & steer clear of stealing yours if you buy one!!!!!
JP - Sorry! Didn't mean to traumatize you for life!!!
Heather - yeah, it's much easier to take pictures on the regular road than the freeway & even that's no piece of cake. People get so IMPATIENT when you're slowing down so it won't be blurry!
Thanks Roger! & I hope that chevy is happy wherever it may have lived out the last of its days!
Ingrid - Yeah. They probably ate too much squid ink & not enough chocolate.
Thanks Carey!
Beth - Nah. The guy who knows a song about a chicken wouldn't have been the one driving. He would have been the one revoking my privileges to hassle him about taking his cholesterol medication or electrocuting himself while changing out a light fixture as a result of my questionable photography. I don't know ****WHY***** since I so clearly have a keen sense of what's dangerous and what isn't.
Thanks for clearing that up Ricardo! My money's still on him or her having been found fairly quickly since the sign was so short lived.
See, now this is something that always strikes me when travelling in the States. We don't have those up here (in my part of Canada, at least).
Don't forget the other abuse of these signs:
Notice suspicious activity? Call 1-800-492-TIPS.
Now, I just want to add, because I don't hear that often enough, that maybe at a certain point in history, putting letters instead of numbers seemed cute. But if I see a car full of terr-rists, I'm not going to start translating the letters into numbers.
On the other hand, it's probably not a problem for the Text-Generation.
Jill, why is my car STILL parked out front of my house?
We had to get our '74 Le Sabre its own GPS so it could find its way home.
Touching post. Thanks.
P.S. Left a little something for you today on my blog... (Had to close my eyes typing this so I wouldn't see that squid again!!!)
I just went to a fundraiser for Elderly Missing Cars. It's a big problem here in NY.
PS - I've tagged you for a meme. Don't hate me, lol.
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