In any case, one of the results of my hiatus is I'm moving to Austin! Okay, I only WISH I were moving to Austin. Because, as The-Guy-Who-Knows-A-Song-About-A-Chicken put it, there I discovered heaven on Earth, otherwise known as Sixth Street.
Sixth Street is a lot like that other heaven on Earth, Provincetown on Cape Cod. Except Sixth Street noticeably lacks a beach and transvestite karaoke which are big draws in my book. I’m sure it has better weather though, and that must count for something. While my girl was at the bat mitzvah that brought us to town, we had to make sure my boy was properly educated. It turns out that there's more to Austin than Sixth Street.
We saw America's largest urban bat colony fly out of the Congress Street Bridge. It happens that I sort of figured out how to do video on my camera! There are way better videos on utube, but I was so impressed with myself for not only figuring out how to take the video, but also figuring out how to post it that I had to use my own:
Of course we had to see the capital building:

Here's my sweet pea showing off her new haircut too:

You have such good looking kids Jill! And what in the world are peeps??
Why would you want to destroy peeps? They're only the most delicious candy I know of.
I'm so happy I no longer have to look at the sQUID when visiting your blog! YAY!:-D Totally love the bat clip. Very cool. And I LOVE microwaving Peeps! It's amazing how ginormous they get when nuked!!
Oh I noticed that there was a little bit of a hiatus there. Good to see that all is well!
Haha I like it when I can figure stuff out on my own. Amazing yourself is quite a desirable trait!
Damn, those are a lot of bats....sort of reminds me of all the flying monkeys in the Wizard of Oz.
Glad you took my advice and got to see the bats, it is pretty amazing isn't it?
Thanks Noelia! Peeps are little marshmallow chicks covered in yellow sugar. They only come out for Easter.
Alf - if you think they're yummy plain out of the box, you should try them warmed up in the microwave, blown up in the microwave, or caramelized beyond recognition...
JP - That's why I wanted to post as soon as I could!!!!! I was trying to bump the squid off the page for you! :-) :-) :-)
Thanks Derek!
Lotus - the amazing thing is that my little video doesn't even show a fraction of the bats! There were soooooooooooooo many more!!
Beth - Yes, I was ***really*** glad you told me about that! Jared LOVED it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! There was someplace my mom wanted us to see too, but the bat thing sounded interesting AND convenient. All that edumuhcation (as Max would say) within a few city blocks...
The next level of Peep is to tuck a toothpick under one wing, and put 2 in the microwave together. One will pop the other. We call it Peep Jousting.
And, TAG, you're it! Visit my blog for details.
Ahh there is nothing like a good afternoon of blowing up peeps! yaha!!
I hope you insisted on them cleaning your mic after all that Peep death and destruction....
What a mess!
Have a great move!! Good times ahead Jill.
Christine - What a GREAT idea! Definitely going to have to remember that one for the next after Easter peep sale!!!
Roger - Glad you've had the opportunity to enjoy the same peep happiness as my boy!
Maureen - Actually, he cleaned up after himself pretty well. And since he had them in a glass it really wasn't too bad to begin with! CONTROLLED chaos, controlled chaos is the most fun I think...
Thanks Ricardo!!! Sorry your internet's out. :-(
I love Austin, TX as well. Great bus system. I was there for work and the client had a State rate at several hotels and BED and BREAKFASTS so I decided to spend the weekend (it was cheaper for the client anyway) and stay at this bed and breakfast instead of some corporate place. I think the area was Hyde Park but it was old with tree lined streets and I ran in the early morning and saw things like POSSUMS.
I took the bus to the 6th street area. I wanted to see the bats but never got around to it. I did walk around the river there but didn't calculate the map inches-to-miles and was thinking I'd end up at this restaurant in maybe 30 minutes (half an inch) but it was more like an hour. I walk fast and I started relatively early and by my walking pace I think I ended up walking 9 miles that day. Yeesh.
Visited the Capital building, very cool, too. This was prior to my digital camera, unfortunately.
Regarding Peeps: they are offered during other holidays now. 'course they are not peeps since they aren't shaped like chicks but pumpkins and the like.
I was once researching peeps or got lost in some link-following thing and there was this whacky site involving this big war and all the combatants were made out of candy. Much Peep mayhem was involved.
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