I'm not going to invade Older Gal's privacy (at least any more than usual). So I can't divulge too very much about hell except this: I've been paid back in full. My advice is NOT to put your stepdaughter-type-person's soul up for sale on ebay. It's like all kinds of bad karma.
I have collected some nice pictures during my absence though. I puzzle over this on the way to school each day:

Secondly, where do these people go every day? There is NOTHING around. They didn't park the stroller and go into Target. That bridge is over a bayou and the brick wall surrounds the city water works. Across the bayou there's a police station. That's it.
In other adventures, Michigan was a very nice place to visit. Although, they can be a little controlling when it comes to the speed limits:

I had no idea the chicken vs. cow wars had heated up to this extent, PETA be damned:

One week left on the end of school countdown!
Couldn't you just slip the stroller out of the lock if you really wanted it?
Hey you mean you came all the way to hell and didn't drop by for a visit? *Sulk*
But who would actually WANT that stroller?
Re stepdaughters: hope that all settles down. As for my stepson I have no qualms about his privacy. He wouldn't be able to find my blog if he tried and I'm pretty sure none of his friends would either...therefore he is anonymous :-) I say what I like! Anyway, it's my life too....
You are so such a better person than I am.
Love the pics, esp. the one for illiterate dogs, lol.
AFM - They actually have it hooked around the back through some of the support thingies, though you can't really tell from the photo. Still, who on Earth would want to????
Funny SJ! I would have but hell's a lot busier place than one might imagine. I mean, I thought you just sat around feeling all warm and toasty, but it turns out there's cooking involved...
Arizaphale - Right?!? (on the stroller)
On the privacy stuff, my blog's about as un-anonymous as it gets (both gals read on occasion Does your daughter?)& I've always operated on the assumption that it's out there in public for the world to see - eventually somebody that I wouldn't choose on purpose will read. Besides, in a modern twist on the old adage, I try not to post anything I wouldn't want posted about myself. Then again that only works to a certain extent too, because I'm nowhere near as private a person as I used to be (imagine?!?!) *shrug shrug* In reality the important part, I believe, is that you not put the stepson's soul up for sale. God hates that, apparently. :-) :-) :-)
Thanks Kerry!
Great photos. Puzzling but amusing. I can't believe school is breaking up so early over there! The kids here don't start summer hols until the 3rd week of July. How do working parent manage childcare for the long, long summer break?
Or maybe there are just a lot less German Shepherd's in their yard...
DJ Kirkby - A lot of parents use summer day camps for child care. You have to pay for them, but there are tons of interesting options. They can go to camp at the science museum or the zoo, there are art camps and generic just for fun camps and sports camps. And then of course there are sleepaway camps. I've always taught, so I've never had to worry about it. But people that I know who work usually send their kids to day camp during the work day.
Alf - You're probably right. Far fewer illiterate German Shepherds. The beagles and such still feel free to roam their yard.
Do you still have my email address? cos I seem to have misfiled yours :-) *sheepish grin*.....
As for netball, may I point you towards this link?
That stroller is truly a head-scratcher, a puzzler for the ages. Is it there every day? Does somebody retrieve it at some point? Or did someone just leave it there once and never go back for it? I know I'm thinking WAY too hard on this stroller issue. Keep me posted if you find anything else out. :) Also, 17 miles per hour??? Very specific there. I am dying to know how they came up with that number.
A true collection of the asinine. 17 MPH? Why? I thought it went in increments of five.
Is it a high crime area that strollers must be locked down?
I am thinking they lock up the stroller because they aren't allowed to take it on the bus?
Ha! Great pics! Love the 17 MPH sign. Wierd.
And the stroller? Is there a bus stop nearby??? Wierd too.
Oh, and Weird three is the International sign for canines of all races. Note it was a German Shepard, afterall... maybe he only sprechen sie Deutsch?
Hey wait a minute!!!!! Apparently the computer ate all my responses. I'll do the best I can, but let's just pretend my former answers were poignant and brilliant, shall we?
Gwen, Maureen, & Bruce - I'm thinking Bruce & Maureen's answer sounds plausible. The only thing is, I can't figure out why you WOULDN'T be able to bring an umbrella stroller on a Metro bus. After all, you can carry a concealed weapon...KIDDING!!!!!!!!!!! But only sort of. Because it's totally legal to carry a concealed handgun, to who's to actually say how many people are riding the bus with one? And surely that's scarier than one lousy stroller.
Ricardo - I dunno. Apparently 17 mph is "just right". For the city of Houston, that area isn't particularly high crime. I mean, I don't know that there are necessarily areas of low crime in the country's fourth biggest city, but I think of that area as pretty darn mild.
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