But none of us actually succumbed to the hand, foot and mouth OR the impetigo. We just hung out with the germs. And then the rose that I cut from the back yard and put in a little vase on the bathroom counter died.
So then, in a fit of romance, The-Guy threw the petals into the toilet. There's a dried up contact lens in there too. So that's like pretty much all romance all the time here at La Maison Twipply Skwood. Mostly.
Here's something else unique about Camp Twipply Skwood - our district representative is an aging soul, R&B, and gospel singer in disguise:

Hurricane season is here again as I understand it. And lucky thing too! After all, the blue tarps are starting to disappear and the roofs are slowly but surely being repaired.
This place doesn't look like it's ready for the next hurricane just yet:

I got a few good shots of older gal too. And she provided me with some lesser known facts about diabetes. For instance, if you see a total stranger's boobs vibrating, this could be a telltale sign of diabetes. But more on that when I find out which, if any, of her pictures she's okay with me posting.
Come to think of it, perhaps if I extended that same courtesy to younger gal, I wouldn't get a photo of the hand so much of time...
Al Green? Sweet! Tell him that his stuff is great for me, okay?
My girlfriend works with elementary school kids and totally has worried about lice before. Haha I can't say that the thought of getting lice is too thrilling either!
Vibrating boobs? I will totally be on the lookout for that.
Ew, what a week for you! I like the way your street signs are colored coordinated to the names... ;)
I had lice in elementary school, I have ever since been very wary every time my scalp itches for any reason what-so-ever.
Derek - Will do! And hoping your girlfriend doesn't bring you any lice. Because, y'know, as romantic as those little buggers are, they tend toward overstaying their welcome.
Alf - Older gal's going to do a guest blog, so we'll get the whole scoop. :-)
Maureen - Wasn't that thoughtful of them to coordinate that way?
Kristine - Yeah, as soon as someone says the word "lice" at school, I stick my hair up on top of my head. Once I had a bad morning & no time to do my hair. I stuck my hair up in a clip & the moment my coteacher walked in she asked, "Are there lice?!?!?!?"
Hah ha! I told you about the scabies too didn't I?
As for peeing on rose petals. Very cool. Around here with all these boys, you are often peeing on pee,and that's the stuff that ain't on the floor. I hope you teach your boy to aim.
Looking forward to the guest post.
Well, that explains why people look at my chest...
Boobs vibrating = diabetes? How? Is it in relation to total fat content etc? Tell me more please.
Love the rose petals/ contact lense pic. Love it.
Arizaphale - You didn't tell me about the scabies but I HATE HATE HATE scabies! My nephews brought that over once. They got it because their MOM'S a teacher. Scabies is even WORSE than lice! ICK ICK ICK!!!!!!!
Christine - Yeah. I'm sure that must be it...
DJ Kirkby - Older gal has offered a guest post and I don't want to ruin her surprise. :-) Soon to come though!
Thanks Kerry!
I am actually surprised that house survived the hurricane.
Talk to the hand or my mom is what she seems to be saying
I think more blog posts should include photos of the author's toilets!
SJ - According to the drunk I talked to outside while taking the picture, that particular building has survived many a hurricane!
A Free Man - Shouldn't they though? :-) :-) :-)
Al green is near you? WOW! LOL!
There are still messed up places from the last hurricane!?!? WHAT!?!?! Not good.
Despite the illness that has run amok, people seem happy in the pictures.
Ricardo - I don't know this from personal experience bec. we didn't buy one of those boxes that lets you see TV, so we don't have TV now BUT my friend told me tonight that they're doing all these TV specials about reliving the hurricane. And I'm like, "Why do we have to RE-live it?!?!? We're still living it!"
http://expresscontactlenses.com is a good start for information about this subject.
A great article with an interesting subject. It was pleasurable reading it.
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