I say it's "eating my lunch" in the sense that it's leaving me feeling like I've been run over by a train each and every day. But it's sort of an ironic use of the saying in that I really haven't had time to eat lunch during the school day.
I only cried in the bathroom once though. When I explained my little excursion to the bathroom to The-Guy, he said something along the lines of, "Sometimes I wish I could do that." "Oh you CAN!!!!" I replied, "Because nobody really knows!"
Except when you announce it via your blog and make it available to every last person with internet access the entire world over. Then it's not really so much of a secret. Oh well. In any case, my class is sweet and wonderful and my school is wonderful. And it's going to be a GREAT year, but it has been SUCH a tough start.
I think I've mentioned that I was incredibly, incredibly lucky enough to send my own kiddies to a religious school this year. Here they are all happy on their first day:

We've put our noses back to the grindstone here at Camp Twipply Skwood. Here's to a great new school year!
How can school be starting already?! It seems like it was just June yesterday...
(And people keep saying about Annabelle, "The next thing you know she'll be 27!" [and weirdly, it's always 27 that people say, not 25 or 28]. Anyway, maybe it's the same phenomenon of time speeding by...
Ha! That was the first thing I though when I saw the picture. "Oh, it's religious but not that religious."
great pic of your kiddos!!!
Moxie- Well, you know what they always say: The next thing you know, she'll be 27!!!! That is odd! It does go quickly though!
People - Well I'm glad I got that cleared up for you! My friend was actually surprised that she's allowed to show her elbows, because, as my friend said, "Elbows are so sexy!" I was like, "Mine are!" 'Cause you have to stick up for yourself that way and all...
Thanks Katrina!
I absolutely adore Calvin & Hobbs!
Crying in the bathroom? Who hasn't? It was my only release for many, many years.
Your kids look great!
Wow, your kids go back early. Ours are still trailing panic-striken moms doing their back to school shopping at the mall.
They don't go back until Sept 9.
Love Calvin - he's my hero!
I hope we can send our kids to a religious school. Not for the religion, I could do without that, but for the quality of education.
Loraine - I had the feeling I wasn't *totally* alone on that one! :-)
Maureen - Enjoy your last couple of weeks!
Kristine - Isn't he great?!?!
A Free Man - It's definitely a whole different thing. The entire atmosphere. I *L*O*V*E* it!!!! (so far, a few days in... :-) )
Hooray for back to school! Hope it gets better quickly for you.
I know the beginning of school can be tough. It will work out. I usually feel overwhelmed at the beginning of school. We don't start until the 8th so my time is coming, lol.
I've been MIA the entire summer due to camp, but I"m back now. I've missed your blog!
Ugh, beginning of school :-( *sigh* For us the end is surging towards us like a juggernaut! 14 weeks to go including 2 weeks hols.
The BA also does the short skirt thing. She rolls up the waistband and I unroll it and she rolls it up again. I wish the school would give her a detention but there seems to be a generally slap happy attitude towards uniform :-(
Alf - It's gotten a LOT better, thanks!!!
Thanks Kerry! This school year I had some particularly difficult working conditions in addition to the regular beginning of the school year craziness, but I think the worst is over. Enjoy your last days before school starts for you!!!!
Arizaphale - I figure she can roll it up all she wants at home or after school or whenever, as long as she's respectful inside the school building. But I'm not sure how strict they are exactly since we just started. I'm hoping not to find out actually & that she leaves the rolling up stuff for outside school, but I guess we'll see. It's only the second week!
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