Apparently the motherboard on my computer croaked. I'd like to say I have no idea what that means, but unfortunately I do know: It means a week without a computer so far and almost but not quite more money than the thing was worth in the first place.
It also means a nearly pictureless and delinquent post. I've noticed some good signs lately but haven't been able to upload pictures. Walgreens has one that says something along the lines of, "Buy a Hallmark card for mom!" and I mean NOW dag nab it!!!! For the home of the free and the land of the brave and all that, we sure do accept a great deal of direct orders advertisements.
Not all of them are advertisements though. I saw this on the back of a car:

I'd like to think someone offering to help out a pregnant person on the verge of abandoning her child would be sort of on the compassionate side, but no. The owner of this car wants to order around desperate, pregnant women both in English AND in Spanish. On that note I'll wish everyone a Happy Mother's Day and relinquish this borrowed computer.
Does this have anything to do with those babies they put inside cakes at Martis Gras because that seems like abandonment to me...nevermind really really freaky.
(BTW, thanks for coming by at the Art Car Parade. Sorry I didn't get to see you, Amy, Bernard and your friends afterward)
It must be a bad week for computers. The one we have in the kitchen -- that the boys use for homework -- gave up the ghost this past Friday.
Happy Mother's Day
Happy Mother's Day to you!
Something poetic about the MOTHERboard crashing on Mother's Day, no?
Hope your day was great otherwise!
Ah bummer Jill!
Nothing screams social awareness and global conciousness than a bumper sticker.
Happy mom's day...And yes, I agree with Delmer, it is a cursed-computer-week!
Yes, because targeting those who didn't think before having X (can you type that?), are going to think, gee I need to call that number, what was that number?
Awww, we never see cool signs like that in Maine!
Sorry to hear about your computer. Hopefully it will get all fixed up soon.
And that bumper sticker is just freaking weird.
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