Here I've dodged an entire week, only just. I'd list why the week was so difficult, but I can promise it would be boring. Apologies and thanks to friends who have already suffered through my complaints!
So these are not the pictures I planned, but I at least I managed to scare up a post:
I'd like to return my bride please!

Here's Sugar performing a close inspection of my Valentine's flowers.

For instance, doesn't this sign cause as many accidents as it prevents? What does it even mean?!?!

That's about all I've got for now. I'd like to say I'd be more present next week, but the fact of the matter is that somehow in the constant low-key disaster that was this week, I managed to enroll to study for a masters in teaching. Or a master's in teaching. Or a Master's. Or Masters. There seems to be some disagreement about the correct grammatical form.
In any case, I'm not sure it really bodes well for finding the pictures I actually WANTED to post this week. But happy weekend everyone! We made it! Or I did at any rate...
haha Cute signs.
Hey where where do we returns the grooms. LOL
Oh my gosh - I cracked up at the peanut/nuts comment!!!!!! Thanks for the laugh!
Tracy - They've probably got a sister store across the street! :-)
Thanks Marlene! For some reason I thought you were Maureen and I was like, "I've never seen THAT profile picture! She looks completely different!"
Congrats on the going back to school thing.
Are the brides recyclable? I try to be a responsible citizen you know.
that won't even consider dating a girl who doesn't have a sense of humor about things like I do, I love that kid!
work at home in india
Thanks Christine!
SJ - I think so. You could check for a recycling symbol before getting hitched just to make sure.
Nishant - I dunno...I was confused and then I figured I was tricked. But I'm glad you at least love my friend Beth's kid.
I know this low key disaster of which you speak. It kind of describes my life at the moment too. You are completely mad going back to study you know! Mind you, maybe the first lesson will be the correct grammar for the title of the course!
Arizaphale - Well, it should really only be bad in April and May. I have June & July off, so I'll be able to just concentrate on studying (and getting married) during those two months. Then next school year (which will begin in August for us), I'm hoping to work about three hours less a week, so hopefully that will give me the time. The thing is that if I do it now, there's a program that will pay for my tuition. So I feel like I should take advantage while I can.
Gee, I wish I had lived in Texas when my first marriage went would have been a lot easier just to return her.
Sheesh! I cannot believe these signs! I swear it must be a Houston thing! Love em! And maybe when you're getting your masters (or master's) they'll tell you how to spell it?? Congrats on going back to school!
Janet - That one about the crazy lanes I actually saw in Washington DC. The bridal thing was here though. And thanks!
Awesome. I love silly signs.
The peanuts sign was my favorite, too.
Thanks Loraine!
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