Isn't he ADORABLE?!?!?! Did I lie about those cheeks?
I hope to shuffle off to Buffalo to smother him in kisses in the near future.
That's why my brother and sister in law moved to Buffalo: so I could say the words "Shuffle off to Buffalo" every now and then. I prefer that all my friends and relatives live in places conducive to reciting song lyrics, just so you know.
(but I don't know the song. It doesn't matter. Congratulations!)
Okay, now I've got Bugs Bunny singing in my head...
Do you have relative in
Oh crap, forgot to say... yeah, he IS a cutie! Congrats!!!
What a sweetie!! Now, more importantly, do you do a little dance while singing "Shuffle Off to Buffalo"?
(Which is from the musical 42nd Street if anyone was interested! I think it's actually sung in little sleeper train cars too while wearing pajamas, but it's been a while since I've seen the show.)
Thanks People! It's okay if you don't know that one - you could always sing "Erie Canal" if and when you go to Buffalo.
Maureen - No relatives in Oooooooooooooklahoma!!! That used to be one of my son's favorites when he was a baby though. When he was two he used to just shout out of nowhere from his car seat, "CAIN'T SAY NO!!!!" And thanks - I think he's pretty cute! :-)
CurlyGG - Probably. I almost dance while I'm sitting still! :-)
Jill Hellooooooo! How are you?
Congratulations are in order for the mother and father of this young man and hope you have the chance to shuffle off to Buffalo soon to see him.
What a cutie! I wish there were some cool songs about Brewer, Maine. I've got nothin'.
Ricardo - Here intense & overextended but otherwise pretty good! :-) :-) :-) Your blog should be back in business soon, right? Hope you are well!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Ingrid - Y'know, for once I can't think of one either! I know songs with Vermont & one with New Hampshire, but I'm drawing a blank on songs about Maine...oh well...everybody loves Maine anyway. :-)
Thats a good looking kid and hey I don't know that song WTF lol :D
Hello Felix! Ah the velvety softness of a newborn's skin...we spend the rest of our lives attempting to makes our skin feel like that once more.
Thanks Roger! And what's the deal? I mean, I understand PEOPLE not knowing it, being a crazy Israeli and all, but aren't you from right here in the US?
And thanks DJ Kirkby too! LMK when you've got the skin thing worked out... :-) :-) :-)
Awww, he is a cutie and those little baby caps always make them look even MORE vulnerable.
I've actually been to Buffalo. For work. It was in the fall or winter and while it wasn't snowing, it was cold. There isn't more than one Buffalo is there? I was in Buffalo, NY. I vaguely recall a very small airport.
That was a long time ago. Prior to my airport restroom fixation. Bring your camera and take photos of the airport restrooms for me. Please? hahahaha. Of course, photos of your nephew are first!
Madamoiselle Jill,
I think that the song you are seraching for was from Act II of the 1980 Broadway musical 42nd Street. I found the lyrics on Lyrics Download at http://www.lyricsdownload.com/42nd-street-soundtrack-shuffle-off-to-buffalo-lyrics.html. I think you'll like the lyrics especially the last stanza...has a vaguely TVZ feel to it.
The wiki write-up of 42nd Street is at http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/42nd_Street_(musical)
Your Houston Guy
Ms.Q - Yes, that Buffalo. The funny thing is that my very first "bathroom award" went to an outhouse in Buffalo! I hadn't thought about taking a picture or blogging about it at the time, even though I most likely had my camera with me. I was too busy marveling over how spotless it was & wondering how long it had been there & how long it would stay that way.
Ray - That's a surprise! Usually when I go on & on about some song that leaves everyone else with a big question mark over their heads, it turns out to be from the 1930s...I'm off by a half century this time... And btw, are you sure you can claim to be from Houston, living way out there past the beltway the way you do?!?!?!?!? KIDDING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :-) :-) :-)
He seems a little young for you...
And he is adorable!
Awwww...whatta cutie! Congratulations to everyone! Hope all goes well on your shuffle off to Buffalo...LOL! :D
Too funny Saradevil!!!!!
And thanks Sabrina!!!!!
OH! You could come visit someone in Reno and sing "I shot a man in Reno..."
Good idea Alf!!!!!!!!!!!!! Now I just need to make a friend in Reno...
Let's see, since you shot someone there does that mean you live there too?!?!?!
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